Thrash metal heroes

^I think Rebel Meets Rebel is pretty cool. David Allen Coe doesn't have a metal voice but that is alright. It takes a little bit to get used to it - "country southern rock bluesy thrash metal"
I think i missed something...

I could pick one person out of every influential thrash band, but what is it worth? There would be a lot of people...
ender7227 said:
Who are your thrash metal heroes? Not just bands, but specific people, especially those in more than one band. Why are they your heroes and what do you think of their music?

For me it's gotta be Megadeth, Metallica, Anthrax, and especially Slayer, for creating the genre in the first place. The best example of the genre has gotta be Pantera, but I realize the majority of the board won't agree. The best part of this band is not Dime, as many people think, but Phil Anselmo, who's voice is simply astounding.

Your turn!

ok.... ok.... ok.... stop, just stop. a few things need to be cleared up.

1.) megadeth, metallica, anthrax and slayer did NOT "create" thrash metal.

2.) pantera were never thrash. They had some thrash elements on cowboys from hell, and all the albums prior to that, but not enough to be considered a thrash band.

3.) Phil Anselmo's voice is NOT astounding. On the albums "Power Metal" and "Cowboys From Hell" he had a decent voice and could actually sing, but since then he has sounded horrible, he also sucks live.

As far as thrash goes for me... here are some of MY heroes.

Debbie Gun (sentinel beast, znowhite...) for showing the world that women can be just as brutal as men in metal.

Alex Skolnick (Testament) for being one of the most talented guitarists in the history of metal.

Andy Galeon (Death Angel) for his amazing drum work on "The Ultra-Violence" at the age of like... 15 or something.

thats 3 just off the top of my head.
^Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax are the big 4 in thrash as far as popularity. You can probably throw Sepultura in there as well. Old Metallica was the best thrash ever. Slayer, Sepultura, then Megadeth. I never was a big fan of Anthrax except "BRING THA NOISE" :zombie:

I know there were other thrash bands other than those. I really like Testament, Voivod, Kreator and a few more but it doesn't get much better than Slayer, Sepultura, Old Metallica and Megadeth as far as thrash goes IMO.
The only metallica that would really qualify as good thrash was kill 'em all.

Testament like metallica were never really good thrash bands but good metal bands that wrote good songs, and had some musical moments.

Thrash is kreater 'pleasure to kill' or old destruction. That's real thrash
5thSeason said:
3.) Phil Anselmo's voice is NOT astounding. On the albums "Power Metal" and "Cowboys From Hell" he had a decent voice and could actually sing, but since then he has sounded horrible, he also sucks live.

Every Pantera album he sounds good, yes especially Power Metal and CFH. The albums just get heavier as time goes on. Reinventing the Steel his voice was fine, Yesturday dont mean shit is an awesome song. Their sound just evolved over the years. Have you seen him live? I saw him at Download playing with Down last weekend and his voice was good in my oppinion, despite the fact he was totally wasted, at 11o'clock in the morning.
^ Phil was awesome on CFH but he disappointed me on the other Pantera albums. I am a big fan of Down and I like his voice on Nola and Down II.