Thrash metal heroes

ender7227 said:
Who are your thrash metal heroes? Not just bands, but specific people, especially those in more than one band. Why are they your heroes and what do you think of their music?

For me it's gotta be Megadeth, Metallica, Anthrax, and especially Slayer, for creating the genre in the first place. The best example of the genre has gotta be Pantera, but I realize the majority of the board won't agree. The best part of this band is not Dime, as many people think, but Phil Anselmo, who's voice is simply astounding.

Your turn!

Phil is the ultimate legend, saw him at Download with Down, he is the king!!
All of Slayer, not only were the a great metal band in general, they were fucking heavy for their time.

Metallica for bringing sooo many people to metal

Sodom and for Kreator for just plainly making kickass cd's
I listen to thrash(not nearly as much as other things) but I would not say I have heroes.
Hanger 18 said:

It would be typical of me to call you one back to i'm just going to be the adult here and say 'hello'.

How is your morning dave mustaine ?
It's a really nice day this morning.

I'm straight and you are one ugly dude. You are going to have to go adopt babies if you want them with another dude.
Old Destruction is a riff fest.

When you think about it really they make slayer and metallica a bunch of diaper babies. I heard fenriz regards destruction as black metal!.
Kerry King and Cliff Burton :headbang:

Because Kerry rocks and because if Cliff hadn't died Metallica would of never went crappy, he was also the best bassist ever is thrash metal.
thrash is the best.

ill say Slayer are the kings of thrash. come to think about it, they are the kings of metal.

Slayer, Megadeth, Kreator, Anthrax, Sepultura, Pantera, OLD Metallica, and Testament.

those are the kings of thrash.

Kerry King.
The Greys said:
Old Destruction is a riff fest.

When you think about it really they make slayer and metallica a bunch of diaper babies. I heard fenriz regards destruction as black metal!.

slayer is much heavier then destruction.
Kerry King and of course Slayer! Definatly Kreator because their just tht badass. Despite what people sy about Metallica, defintatly them. Slyer and Metallica mainly because they;re wht got me into Thrash.

My 'a' key only works when it wants so bare with me ppl.
Kerry King is just some old bald dude who's an average guitarist 25 years later. Some of you need to contain your selves!
The Greys said:
It's a really nice day this morning.

I'm straight and you are one ugly dude. You are going to have to go adopt babies if you want them with another dude.

If you saw me you would. I'm not fat, spotty, i shower daily, i have olive skin, a nice side parting (but not slick), i am perfect height (not giant, and not a midget), and the chicks just cant get enough of me.