
Recently found out bout these guys.

Im not completely sold on some part of the vocal delivery.

They're growing on me though.

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My dad saw them open for Flotsam & Jetsam, Exodus, and Overkill last year. They've had a few very strong billings, although I hardly hear of them otherwise.

Strong stuff with Pat Lind-style rasps. Got the remaster from Stormspell, and while it's still clearly a demo the recording is pretty good on a whole.

(this version hasn't been remastered)
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I'm currently rediscovering Sepultura's early records (I'm more stuck on Arise so far) and just realized that actually I never had a chance to listen to Chaos A.D. entirely, I heard only Refuse/Resist off it. In this connection, could someone enlighten me on is it still the same old Sepultura in terms of thrash metal or this album has more pre-Roots/groovy sound?

It will be appropriate if you would mention your favorite Sepultura album from that era.
Beneath the Remains is ok but pretty generic on a whole. A million bland riffs cannot compete with a handful of great ones. Bestial Devastation and Morbid Visions are easily their best.
Thanks guys for your answers! From what you say I think I should give Beneath the Remains a careful listen to form my own opinion on it, but neither of you said anything about Chaos A.D. How is it different from what they played, for instance, on Arise album?
Chaos AD is basically the transition between Arise and Roots I guess, although it doesn't exactly sound like either. It's also much better than both neighboring albums.
Chaos A.D. was the last album Sepultura reeleased that's worth mentioning. While not on the same level as the albums that came before it, it's still good ..... much better than Roots.

On Chaos A.D. they started to incorporate much more groove and tribal Brazilian to their sound ... before they fucked it all up and went nu-metal with Roots.
I don't mind much about groovy sound or tribal Brazilian elements either. Furthermore, these tribal elements (final song Canyon Jam especially) and Born Stubborn actually are the only good things that I love on Roots. All that "transitional" albums basically are worth listen to and I don't think Chaos will be an exception.
Just been to see Death Angel (what a show!) and their support act really impressed me. A band called Dew Scented, never heard of them but they play death-infused thrash. Got myself a double CD of two albums 'Ill-natured' and 'Innoscent' from the merch stand - great stuff so far, awesome drumming and nice technical guitar arrangements.

They don't seem that well known, any thoughts on them here?