
^I just found them a few days ago too from that list you had posted. They're like a bad Vektor clone :( But if I hadn't heard Vektor before I'd probably love it. It's decent tech thrash really.

Psychotropic - I'm just really not a fan of that vocal style sounds too 'trying to be extreme'. The guitar parts are really cool though. I'd listen to an instrumental of that probably. I like unusual vocal styles like the singers from Typhoon, Antidote, Target, Megadeth, heh.
Curious what you think of this one TB:

"Produced by ex-Megadeth/King Diamond Guitarist, Glen Drover. Also features several Glen Drover guest solos."
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The guitar parts are really cool though.

:kickass: Joe Haley's riffs are godly.

Really enjoying Untimely Demise so far ... but im only a track in. :kickass: great post. Which tracks would you say are the strongest, so i'll just jump straight to them.

Here's another one i havent listened to in yeeeaars, straight shameless Kreator worship ... not bad though.
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:kickass: Joe Haley's riffs are godly.

Really enjoying Untimely Demise so far ... but im only a track in. :kickass: great post. Which tracks would you say are the strongest, so i'll just jump straight to them.

Tracks 1 and 2 are the best probably haha. I'm at track 5 now, it's pretty good. I posted it when I was at 2 I think.

[EDIT] 6 is picking up again. Nice. Maybe the best track yet.

[EDIT2] Yeah track 6 is killer. Damn, I might buy this CD.

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Here's another one i havent listened to in yeeeaars, straight shameless Kreator worship ... not bad though.

Never heard of them, and I like it! Also I couldn't shake the feeling that I had heard it before. Check it out this is uncanny

The start of this album sounds a lot like the start of that album... the first 22 seconds of each at least.

Did Kreator write a song like this first? Or someone else? I doubt these guys were the first.
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HAH! Those are indeed pretty similar. Good catch :lol:

I cant remember if Kreator has a similar song ... I know Pleasure to Kill by heart and was just listening to Endless Pain earlier today, so if they do it's not one of those two. And probably not on Coma of Souls either. I'm going to run through their albums in the next few days again so i'll make sure to take note. I still haven't even heard most of their stuff that came out after Coma.

Actually, after going to their RYM page, i remembered checking out the first Untimely Demise album and not really liking it, did they change vocalists or something? Or maybe i just need to go back and listen to it again.

edit: so this week, i plan on going back and checking out a lot of stuff i either didn't like or passed up on all these years. Judas Priest, Exodus, Anthrax, Cracked Brain, Load, Diablous in Musica, Hirax, Death Angel etc. Only Anthrax album i own is Among the Living, and only Exodus albums i own are BBB and the last two Dukes albums ... im wondering which of their other albums i should download and really listen to.
HAH! Those are indeed pretty similar. Good catch :lol:

I cant remember if Kreator has a similar song ... I know Pleasure to Kill by heart and was just listening to Endless Pain earlier today, so if they do it's not one of those two. And probably not on Coma of Souls either. I'm going to run through their albums in the next few days again so i'll make sure to take note. I still haven't even heard most of their stuff that came out after Coma.

Actually, after going to their RYM page, i remembered checking out the first Untimely Demise album and not really liking it, did they change vocalists or something? Or maybe i just need to go back and listen to it again.

edit: so this week, i plan on going back and checking out a lot of stuff i either didn't like or passed up on all these years. Judas Priest, Exodus, Anthrax, Cracked Brain, Load, Diablous in Musica, Hirax, Death Angel etc. Only Anthrax album i own is Among the Living, and only Exodus albums i own are BBB and the last two Dukes albums ... im wondering which of their other albums i should download and really listen to.

I don't know much Kreator. I know Phantom Antichrist pretty well, and I've listened to 2 other albums but I don't know them well at all.

Untimely Demise, I just found them today so no idea lol. I'm going to listen to their old album too and see if there are any gems.

For Anthrax nothing tops Among the Living, but their first 5 are all worth listening to. At least 1 good track on each album.

I'm not a huge Exodus fan tbh, wouldn't know. I like a couple off of BBB and that's about it. I could never get into Hirax either but I'd try again. For Death Angel Act III and their new one have some decent tracks.

Which Judas Priest albums?

Good luck going through some of that is gonna suck lol. It's worth it when you find the good stuff though.
Which Judas Priest albums?

Mainly their stuff from the late 70's/early 80's. I wasn't too impressed with their first three though. The four main albums i want to check out are Stained Class, British Steel, Defenders of the Faith and maybe even Painkiller. I have Screaming for Vengeance on vinyl, but that's about it.

I remember selling off my copy of Fistful of Metal to the record store when i was a kid. I downloaded it a few days ago and it wasnt as bad as i remembered .. but than again that was over 15 year ago.:lol: I remember everyone would say that Spreading the Disease was their best back then.

Every Exodus album i found in that same record store i ended up trading in for other stuff. I basically tossed out their cd's as soon as i put them in, but i think ill go back and give some of their stuff from the 80's a more thorough listen.

Exumer, Laaz Rockit, and Flotsam and Jetsam are another three bands i'll add to my list. I remember absolutely disliking Possessed by Fire the last time i heard it.
British Steel is near perfect heavy metal in my opinion. There's good songs and bad songs on each of those other albums.

Laaz Rockit is a fun listen once in a while.

Exumer, F&J are some bands I didn't get into much either.
Pitiful Reign, I just found them this past week too, but I found Untimely right after and decided to post them instead. They're good but need some time to develop futher imo.

Fog of War yeah I have that same song on my playlist. Pretty good, I'm looking forward to their next album, I think they have potential too.

Witheria was new, thanks!
I thought you didn't really listen to thrash.

I do, but it's true that it's usually old things before 1990. I still think I should have heard about a "mainstream" metal band, as Prophet said.

I was being sarcastic

I wasn't being entirely serious either, in that bitchy "know-it-all" part. ;)
... old thrash is the best thrash.

I don't know much Kreator. I know Phantom Antichrist pretty well, and I've listened to 2 other albums but I don't know them well at all.

Check out Terrible Certainty and Extreme Aggression, i think you'll enjoy those two.

They slowed it down a bit with Coma and upped the melody, but it's still a great album nonetheless.
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I do, but it's true that it's usually old things before 1990. I still think I should have heard about a "mainstream" metal band, as Prophet said.

Power Trip might be considered "mainstream" over here since it is a US band. Nucleator though?

They are quite different bands, and Nucleator is an excellent fusion of death vocals and generally midpaced thrash. Power Trip is more speed and scream. I ordered the Nucleator album already from some dude in Romania I think.
Dark Angel currently here. Sadus is on my list to give another try to though. Savage Thrust, not bad! Definitely has one of the vocal styles I like, lots of variety :headbang:

Random finds:

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