
What, no Anacrusis, Hexenhaus and Znowhite in the list of 1988? OK, musical tastes are different - or haven't you simply heard any of these releases yet? (Though I've already posted some links here before.)

I've heard them, I knew there would be criticism on my 80's choices. Because I haven't spent much time on them yet. This project has only been in the works for a couple weeks, and I'm still focused on fleshing out 1993-2008 first. The rest of it will be easy.

By the way, Battlefield's "We Come To Fight" definitely doesn't belong into 1987 (even though it says so on metal archives and in the German wikipedia-entry). On the label of my vinyl-copy and on the backside of the album-cover - it's the catalogue-ID mentioned on metal archives - it says "(C) + (P) 1988", which means it was recorded in 1988. It was reviewed in the February 1989-issue of the German Metal Hammer magazine (which came out at the end of January 1989) and in the January/February 1989-issue of the German Rock Hard magazine (which came out eihter at the end of December 1988 or the beginning of January 1989) - I just checked my copies. Albums usually were/are reviewed either the month they are released or a bit earlier, but since this EP was released on a small record label, it might have taken some time until it was reviewed by bigger magazines, thus it might have already been released in 1988, but not in 1987. All I can say is that the EP was definitely available at the end of January 1989, because that's when I bought it.

Thanks, I'll make the adjustments.
Not really what I meant but nice playlist :)

Yeah I figured you meant more of a Top X of each year type thing. That is in the works though, after I feel the search has been fairly extensive for each year, I plan to do a top 5 or top 10 albums for each year post, with honorable mentions and links. I'd be interested to see other's takes on it too.
So I hate Death Angel, but I'm listening to The Dream Calls For Blood and its really not bad at all. I rather like it. Nothing like the faggotry of the old stuff, and even has an almost Gothenburg-esque melody throughout that really lifts it more
So, the 2001 search was painful. Everything I listened to aside from the stuff already posted either was not thrash, was not on youtube, or sucked. I wanted to add at least a couple more before moving on, but oh well.

2002 wasn't any easier. Here's what I have so far, no real well known names aside from maybe Eidolon (by association with Megadeth). I put these in approximate order of how well I liked them.

Eidolon - Coma Nation

Terror 2000 - Faster Disaster

Mortifer - Blind Faith

D.F.A. - Destined for Assimilation

Audiopain - Revel in Desecration

Maniaca - King's Sight

Blackness - Dawn of the New Sun

After All - Mercury Rising (Thrash/Power)

Dark Order - The Violence Continuum

Crucifier - Merciless Conviction
If I missed anything from 2002 let me know, my searches are turning up nothing and more nothing.

2003 was a much better year.

Destruction - Metal Discharge

Exodus - War Is My Shepherd

Toxic Holocaust - Evil Never Dies (first album)

Municipal Waste - Waste 'Em All

Overkill - Killbox 13

Kaos - Kaos Among Us

Angelus Apatrida - Unknown Human Being

Invocator - Through the Flesh to the Soul

Agent Steel - Order of the Illuminati

D.F.A. - Defy False Authority

Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes

Eidolon - Apostles of Defiance

Grimfist - Ghouls of Grandeur

Headshot - Diseased

Razor of Occam - Pillars of Creation

Metal Militia - Perpetual State of Aggression

Twelfth Gate - Summoning

Rapid Decay - Thrashin Undead

Was this the start of the new wave of thrash? We'll see I guess. I always thought it started in 2006 at the earliest. But I can't deny the huge increase in quality thrash albums from 2002 to 2003.
That Ulysses Siren is a demo comp (but if treated as a full-length it would probably be a top 10 thrash release for me).

I really enjoy Extol's Synergy and Thalidomide's Le paradis du mal from that year. Former is total Believer-worshipping tech-thrash stuff, modern/sterile but in a good way, latter is sort of progressive but with a dark, slightly doomy atmosphere ala Anacrusis, and a little bit of Coroner riffing.

Hellfire is cool too, a bit more traditional/speed and melodic but something about them seems different. Unusual vocals but I'm a fan.

Also, Chaosmongers for some legit Voivod-worshipping demo stuff.
Thanks HB, added all of those.

@BT Yeah I don't understand, why wouldn't we say Municipal Waste's earlier albums got the ball rolling if we were saying that?

I feel like a majority of the big name thrash bands returned to thrash in 2001 and 2003 which may have gotten the ball rolling. Kreator, Destruction, Overkill, Exodus, Sodom, some Megadeth, even Hirax etc. Maybe this spawned a new generation of copycats? Hard to say the reasons why. And why did all these big names decide it was time for thrash again also?
So I hate Death Angel, but I'm listening to The Dream Calls For Blood and its really not bad at all. I rather like it. Nothing like the faggotry of the old stuff, and even has an almost Gothenburg-esque melody throughout that really lifts it more

Never liked them either until I saw them open for Testament & Anthrax a while back. They impressed me more than Testament did that night.
So I hate Death Angel, but I'm listening to The Dream Calls For Blood and its really not bad at all. I rather like it. Nothing like the faggotry of the old stuff, and even has an almost Gothenburg-esque melody throughout that really lifts it more

I thought it was kind of generic and boring, but i still think it's far better than just about everything else they've done.
I thought it was kind of generic and boring, but i still think it's far better than just about everything else they've done.
It was a little generic and boring, but it is so much different than the shit they used to play that it excited me a little. Its still a pretty competent album. I won't listen to it often, but I enjoyed it for what it is.
Thanks HB, added all of those.

@BT Yeah I don't understand, why wouldn't we say Municipal Waste's earlier albums got the ball rolling if we were saying that?

I feel like a majority of the big name thrash bands returned to thrash in 2001 and 2003 which may have gotten the ball rolling. Kreator, Destruction, Overkill, Exodus, Sodom, some Megadeth, even Hirax etc. Maybe this spawned a new generation of copycats? Hard to say the reasons why. And why did all these big names decide it was time for thrash again also?

earlier album wasn't as influential and as good, perhaps?
i remember seeing tons of ppl talking about muniwaste in 05/06, not so much before that. it seems like once that album took off, labels started signing every thrash band out there.

imo i would put muniwaste as the most important band to come from the new wave and their albums being the most influential(influential...not the best) thrash albums of that era, even more so than those comeback albums.
bands like fueled by fire, diamondplate, merciless death, etc. saw the success that muniwaste was having and tried emulating them in lots of ways. "if they could do it, we could do it"
i could be wrong about it all, but that's my best guess as to why the new wave came about.

edit:' reasons why the older bands came back to thrash'
grunge/alternative/goth/groove/industrial all started fading in popularity, so they went back to what they did best.
haven't looked into it much, that's my guess tho.
oh yeah, the internet must have had something to do with it, too( made it easier to hype their comeback albums). "broheim, read on blabbermouth/metalachives that kreator/destruction/etc are playing thrash again. lets go see them"
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I can more or less get behind that. I think Act III is ok by alternative metal standards, but the first two are some of the most generic thrash out there.
It was a little generic and boring, but it is so much different than the shit they used to play that it excited me a little. Its still a pretty competent album. I won't listen to it often, but I enjoyed it for what it is.

Yea, it' actually a pretty "listenable" metal album in general. I've only listened to it 2-3 times but i remember enjoying it more with each spin.
Post what you have from 2004, gents.

Megadeth - The System Has Failed

Evile - All Hallows Eve (their first release)

Aura Noir - The Merciless

Trizna - Vertical Horizon (not as thrashy as their '95 release, maybe power/thrash)

Spastic Ink - Ink Compatible

Exodus - Tempo of the Damned

Nasty Savage - Psycho Psycho

Audiopain - The Traumatizer

Violator - Violent Mosh (their first non-demo)

Nocturnal Breed - Motormouth

Hirax - The New Age of Terror

Infernal Majesty - One Who Points to Death

Chakal - Demon King

Skeletonwitch - At One with the Shadows (their first also)

Annihilator - Rage Absolute

Death Angel - The Art of Dying

Korzus - Ties of Blood

Grip Inc. - Incorporated

Aggression - Forgotten Skeleton (previously unreleased album from 1986)

Fairly long list already without any digging, just looking at the familiar band names and verifying that they're decent thrash releases. Time to actually start the search now.