
Sorry to resurrect this quote but I was just looking at the past few pages and thought this was funny. Almost a decade ago I commissioned their singer for some artwork and sent him a track to get the feel of the work. Being the big dick that he was he felt it his duty to let me know he thought our music was boring, not that I asked. The other day I had spotify make me a thrash playlist while I was working. I was jamming out pretty hard until I got to one song I was just like "What the fuck this is horrible, who the hell is this". Lich King... I hadn't heard them in 10 years so I didn't even remember what they sounded like. Felt good to know that deep down in my heart, they are trash.

Anyways here is the band I was in that was commissioning the work. This record was after my involvement, but they're making some killer thrash and releasing a full length soon

Here's another band I've been absolutely loving lately. More of a thrash/old school death hybrid


The frontman for one of the lamest, most boring thrash bands in existence calling others boring is about as ironic as it gets. Lich King are garbage.
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Not really a fan of his artwork style either if I'm being honest.

Yeah I think we were going for that wannabe Ed Repka look but on a tight budget. Plus we were 17 at the time so we didn't know any better and thought Lich King was cool
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Sadistic Ritual bored the shit out of me live when I saw them a few years ago. Maybe I was just too drunk to appreciate it then.

I can't really comment as a few years ago is a pretty vague descriptor considering the band has had countless lineup changes and setlist overhauls in the past decade. Maybe it was a bad show, maybe a bad lineup, maybe you just don't dig the music. Maybe you were drunk and saw Mantic Ritual or Sadistic Intent. The above EP is the most recent release, but either way it's fine. People like what they like. I just don't see the point of telling a 17 year old who's releasing their first demo and all things considered producing relatively alright thrash how boring their music is to their face when your own band is a gimmick band. I actually don't see the point of saying it at all. I prefer to either encourage, offer a constructive criticism, or just shut up about it particularly if it's an amateur local band still working out their sound. Easy to be a critic, hard to produce quality thrash.
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as you’re new here i feel obliged to inform you that sirjack is permanently stoned off his ass.