
Some new thrash from Brazil

Enforcer also have a new speed/trash metal album out. From what I've heard it's not as fast as previous releases but I haven't heard the whole album yet.

Yeah I’d like to hear his side of this as well but doesn’t make it right no matter what, shit that sucks Vektor kicked ass, too bad the band fell apart and he degenerated to this. Should have just found new members and kept it going like Dave
Video shows the dude maybe hitting her with a pillow and yelling at her. Fuck I’ve dated girls that wanted to brawl for real when we were arguing. Blah blah blah victim shaming but that story seems pretty fucking sketchy as of right now, seems like they’re trying to make him out to be worse than hitler.

Gossip on MA forum says the other guys left the band because of that girl in the first place.