
Enemy: I likke the sound, it's cool...the multi-tempo sound while still being thrash is good stuff. A few problems I have:

Cymbals a LITTLE too loud
Switch riffs a little more (possibly write some smaller melodic licks too)
Vocals are weak

yeah thats actually what we get most from the people who don't like it, especially the weak vocals part. FBI has a fair ammount of riff switching but yeah a lot of them kinda drag and most songs only have 3 or 4 riffs haha. thanks a lot to everyone who took the time to give feedback so far, i really appreciate it.
Urban? How can thrash sound urban?

Back in the late eighties and early nineties, a lot of the print metal magazines made a lot of column inches explaining why thrash metal was an "urban" phenomena, despite the fact that this was, as I like to call it, "bollocks".

I can't remember which one of the error ridden books it's in (I think it's Sound of the Beast, but I may be wrong), but it's called "urban blight music" in that.

To be frank, naming any kind of genre based on the relative rurality of the people involved seems retarded.

Unless you're talking about country music, I guess *shrugs*

No, but they would by most clueless morons who don't know what thrash is. They are as much thrash as Dark Tranquillity are death metal, if that analogy works for you.
Melodic death metal, but they have very little in common with bands like Morbid Angel.
So Skeleton Witch would be grounded in thrash but with wide influences and stylistically distinct from most thrash bands is what you're saying?
Melodic death metal, but they have very little in common with bands like Morbid Angel.
So Skeleton Witch would be grounded in thrash but with wide influences and stylistically distinct from most thrash bands is what you're saying?

I was basically analogically saying that Dark Tranquillity are not death metal (any longer) but have some influences and some sound remaining of true death metal. To an extent Blood Tsunami and Skeletonwitch have elements of thrash, but having elements of death metal doesn't make a band death metal, they have to be primarily DM first of all. SW are not primarily thrash. They are melo-death/black with some thrash influences.
I was basically analogically saying that Dark Tranquillity are not death metal (any longer) but have some influences and some sound remaining of true death metal. To an extent Blood Tsunami and Skeletonwitch have elements of thrash, but having elements of death metal doesn't make a band death metal, they have to be primarily DM first of all. SW are not primarily thrash. They are melo-death/black with some thrash influences.

I think the drumming is very grounded in thrash, which to me at least gives the whole thing a thrashy feel.
That basic punk beat, yeah. The riffs are full on melodic death to me - the black metal I only hear in the occasional tremelo-picked riff and the really thin guitar sound.