I'm really ignorant when it comes to thrash. I suck.
I mean, I know Sodom, Kreator, Destruction, Slayer, Sadus, Sepultura, Coroner, and a few others but that's about it.
*starts reading thread*
I'm really ignorant when it comes to thrash. I suck.
I mean, I know Sodom, Kreator, Destruction, Slayer, Sadus, Sepultura, Coroner, and a few others but that's about it.
*starts reading thread*
Antagonist(My fave wisconsin thrash album. Move over, Morbid Saint)
Midnight are great, Ive been meaning to buy Farewell to Hell on vinyl.MIDNIGHT.
Flotsam and Jetsam
I'm not blind, but it seems you misunderstood me. My question refered to your statement that you usually hate chick singers, thus I wanted to know which "chick singers" you have listened to so far. (That's why I only quoted the second part of your post and not the one in which you stated which Holy Moses albums you are already familiar with.)Are ya blind?I need to get that one.
No Place for Disgrace is alright, but not essential
Definitely play it more!I'll listen again when I get home. I've only listened to it twice tbh
I'm not blind, but it seems you misunderstood me. My question refered to your statement that you usually hate chick singers, thus I wanted to know which "chick singers" you have listened to so far. (That's why I only quoted the second part of your post and not the one in which you stated which Holy Moses albums you are already familiar with.)
Check out some Australian Thrash some time. Of course there are the more well known bands like Hobbs' Angel Of Death and Mortal Sin from down under, but there are plenty of other worthwhile bands too.
Allegiance: Probably my favourite of the bunch. Very heavy production on the debut titled D.E.S.T.I.T.U.T.I.O.N. (Its not fun typing that one out).
Bezerker: Very unorhodox Thrash from Adelaide.
Fester Fanatics: More a Crossover band, but still very worthwhile if you can ever find anything from them.
Forgery: None of the newer wave of Thrash bands have caught my fancy yet but these guys have just started out just playing gigs now so its something to look out for.
Massive Appendage: For those who like messy Thrashy noise.
Rampage: Had a member of Hobbs' so if you're a fan of them, this might be what you are after.
Oh my fault then, I apologize. The list is very small and hard for me to remember. To be honest, I really don't even give them a chance. I know I don't enjoy clean female singers. Maybe you or anyone else could recommend me some non-clean female singers.