You're all stupid fucking faggots. And don't know shit. And Asphyx is definitely not death/thrash. And Seven Churches is better than anything Kreator or Dark Angel ever did.
I reiterate:
I gotta pick up that Morbid Saint release.
Anyway, I am having trouble seeing how so many people can think that Twisted Into Form is a stronger album than Forbidden Evil. Twisted is so much more subdued and less rad. Yeah, there are some killer songs, but there is plenty of dull territory as well. IMO much less dullness on FE.
Was listening to Seventh Angel - The Torment today. That's a pretty good album. you thrashers familiar with it? Solid UK thrash with some doomy tendencies and pretty wild vocals at times.
Merciless > Merciless Death
Dark Angel's Time Does Not Heal truly is a shit album. Ron Reinhart has got nothing on Don Doty, the songs go absolutely nowhere and the production is a major turn off. It keeps reminding me of Pantera. From now on I am avoiding anything Terry Date related, including Overkill.
From now on I am avoiding anything Terry Date related, including Overkill.