
Mar 30, 2005
North Dakota
i would like some recommendations....i love thrash, i like old Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Overkill...but i dont know of very many thrash bands, if you could, name a few bands and their best albums....i really appreciate it!
Coroner - "Mental Vortex" (but all of them will do :D )
Testament: "The New Order" and "Low"
Heathen - "Breaking The Silence"
Hallows Eve - "Death & Insanity"
Pariah - "Blaze Of Obscurity"
Skyclad - "Wayward Sons Of Mother Earth"
Anacrusis - "Screams & Whispers"
Imperium - "Too Short A Season"
Horcas - "Oid Mortales El Grito Sangrado"
Angel Dust - 'Into the Dark Past'
Death Angel - "The Art Of Dying"
Flotsam And Jetsam - "Doomsday For The Deceiver"
Kreator - "Endorama"
Meliah Rage - "Barely Human"
Suicidal Tendencies - "How Will I Laugh Tomorrow When I Can't Even Smile Today"
Just a few: :)

Forbidden - Twisted into Form
Annihilator - Alice in Hell
Kreator - Coma of Souls
Nuclear Assault - Game Over & The Plague
Overkill - Horrorscope
Violence - Eternal Nightmare
Voivod - Dimension Hatross
Sodom - Agent Orange
The Haunted - The Haunted Made Me Do It
Its not exactly Thrash but it does have the same kind of energy. At least it does to me. Try out Children of Bodom. Its fast, melodic and raw! And.... it has keyboards :)

I will get back on you one the "Old School" thrash bands.
Wyvern said:
Coroner - "Mental Vortex" (but all of them will do :D )
Coroner definitely are/were one of the best thrash metal bands around, yet I´d say their first three albums "R.I.P.", "Punishment For Decadence" and "No More Color" are much more thrash metal than "Mental Vortex"!
Anacrusis - "Screams & Whispers"
A very good album, but to call it thrash metal is quite misleading IMO. As for thrash metal, their debut "Suffering Hour" is definitely the best choice. Songs like "Present Tense", "R.O.T." and "Twisted Cross" are thrash metal par excellence.

Some further recommendations:
Mekong Delta - "Mekong Delta", "The Music Of Erich Zann", "Dances Of Death"
Voivod - "Killing Technology"
Détente - "Recognize No Authority"
Testament - "The Legacy", "Live At Eindhoven"
Forbidden - "Forbidden Evil", "Raw Evil - Live At The Dynamo"
Znowhite - "Act Of God"
Hexenhaus - "A Tribute To Insanity"
Original Sin - "Sin Will Find You Out"

And if you want to try something more technical/complex (not exactly "classical" thrash):
Sieges Even - "Life Cycle"
Watchtower - "Control And Resistance"
Toxik - "Think This"
Hawk said:
Its not exactly Thrash but it does have the same kind of energy. At least it does to me. Try out Children of Bodom. Its fast, melodic and raw! And.... it has keyboards :)

I will get back on you one the "Old School" thrash bands.

yes!!! i love CoB!! my guitar teacher has my HateCrew Deathroll album right now (he's burning it) but im going to listen to it right away when i get it back tonight!

thanks for all the suggestions guys! :wave: there are a lot more bands than i had ever thought!
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Drunkard - Hellish Metal Dominate
Coroner-Punishment For Decadence
Coroner-No More Color
Annihilator-Alice In Hell
Slayer-Show No Mercy
Slayer- South of Heaven
Slayer-Seasons In The Abyss
Testament-The Legacy
Overkill-The Years Of Decay
Overkill-Taking Over
Sepultura-Beneath The Remains
Exodus - Bonded By Blood
Exodus - Fabulous Disaster
Exumer - Possessed By Fire
Vio-Lence-Eternal Nightmare
Heathen-Breaking The Silence
Heathen-Victims Of Deception
Death Angel-The Ultra Violence
Anacrusis-Suffering Hour
Artillery-By Inheritence
Morbid Saint-Spectrum Of Death
King's-Evil- Deletion Of The Humanoise
Watchtower- Energetic Disassembily
Flotsam & Jetsam - Doomsday For The Deceiver
Kreator - Pleasure To Kill
Kreator-Terrible Certainty
Kreator - Coma Of Souls
Razor - Violent Restitution
Razor-Armed And Dangerous
Sabbat -History Of A Time To Come
Sodom - In The Sign Of Evil(more black/speed metal then thrash, but it still rules)
Sodom - Obsessed By Cruelty
Sodom - Persecution Mania
Sodom - Agent Orange

That oughta do it for ya. :D Thrash rules.
gee... everyone pretty much mentioned what i would of mentioned.. but below is my list if i repeated someone else's recommendation kiss my ass lol jkk

Exodus- Bonded by Blood
Fabulous Disaster

Nuclear Assault - Survive

D.R.I. - Crossover
Four of a Kind

Sacred Reich - American Way
Surfin Nicaragua

Whiplash - Ticket to Mayhem

Crumbsuckers - B.O.M.B (Beast on My Back)

Bathory (though considered black metal then thrash they have more of a thrash sound) - Bathory
Born under the sign of the Black Mark
Blood Fire Death

Venom(Same explanation as Bathory) - Black Metal
Welcome to Hell

Others escape my mind or have already been mentioned... but if i think of any others ill repost...
Crap, basically everything you need was listed.

I'll just add:
Toxik - World Circus
Toxik - Think This
Ok, either I'm blind or did none of you posted Celtic Frost?

Get Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion
And what Dodens Grav said: Get that SABBAT album!!
Aethyrs said:
Ok, either I'm blind or did none of you posted Celtic Frost?

Get Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion
And what Dodens Grav said: Get that SABBAT album!!

Dunno points of view, I can question those CF albums as a true thrash the same way Burkhard questioned my posts of Anacrusis and Coroner.

I guess a lot of thrash is in the ear of the beholder, same way than the border between speed/thrash is.

Oh and I believe I missed Anthrax - 'State of Euphoria' from my list.
Wyvern said:
Dunno points of view, I can question those CF albums as a true thrash the same way Burkhard questioned my posts of Anacrusis and Coroner.

I guess a lot of thrash is in the ear of the beholder, same way than the border between speed/thrash is.QUOTE]

True,but in Sweden in the beginning everyone said it was Thrash so I still call it that. Before it all got so complicated:erk:
Aethyrs said:
True,but in Sweden in the beginning everyone said it was Thrash so I still call it that. Before it all got so complicated:erk:

Don't remind me :yell:

I agree that stick with whatever you learned first works. I'm still getting crazy with so much revisionism.

I used to call Metal Church thrash, but everybody today call it power metal.

First time I heard S.O.D a friend told me that was speed metal, today is suppose to be old hardcore.

The sticker in my "Keeper of The Seven Keys -pt.2" LP called Helloween
progressive metal.

So Celtic Frost is indeed more thrash than anything, but also IMO is one of the forerunners of real black along with Bathory and Venom.

And with all the cores and mutations is getting worse. Hey I have seen Black Sabbath labeled as doom metal :Smug:
#1_Droogie said:
i would like some recommendations....i love thrash, i like old Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Overkill...but i dont know of very many thrash bands, if you could, name a few bands and their best albums....i really appreciate it!

I dig older Testament. "Practic What You Preach" is pretty good.
Powermad "Absolute Power" Speed/thrash metal with a high range vocalist
Wrathchild America - "Climbing The Walls" Anthemic thrash cool riffing
Flotsum and Jetsum - "Doomsday for the Deceiver"
Coroner - "Mental Vortex" Awesome 3 man outfit
Forbidden - "Twist Into Form" killer fairly technical threash
Metal Church - "Blessing in Disguise" power metal band, but their heaviest release. Close enough to call thrash and is a true masterpiece with no weak songs.

Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence
Exciter - Violence & Force
Kreator - Endless Pain
Mortal Sin - Mayhemic Destruction
Sodom - Obsessed By Cruelty
Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare