

Jan 17, 2008
Belgium,Vlaams Brabant

So I'm looking for more "old" thrash ,these are the bands I currently listen to so you can get a specific idea of what I'm looking for;

Angel Dust
Nuclear Assault
Annihilator( Alice in Hell)
Agent Steel
Metallica ( Till MoP)
Metal Church
Voivod ( Only got Katorz :( )

So if any of the fellow Thrash fanatics could help me any further? ;)
Yea I'm familiar with Exumer and Pariah(if you mean the belgian Pariah that is) but I haven't found a store that sells Pariah CD's yet.

Thanks for the other 2 reccomendations,I'll be sure to check 'em out!
Really obvious recommendations, but:
Dark Angel
and maybe try some early Death and Morbid Angel
I'm just getting into Thrash outside of Slayer and Metallica. I'm getting into Exodus and Testament, which albums of theirs would you recommend me? I heard The Toxic Waltz yesterday and liked it.
I'm just getting into Thrash outside of Slayer and Metallica. I'm getting into Exodus and Testament, which albums of theirs would you recommend me? I heard The Toxic Waltz yesterday and liked it.

bonded by blood is the really only good Exodus album tbqh


Get annihilator's Never Never land, its their only good release next to Alice(I prefer it more than Alice)


secconding Ozzman's Toxik/Realm rec. They both only have 2 albums and are both top of the clean vocals/shriek thrash. I think Realm is better but preference really, but for new rec's;

Aftermath(US) - Don't Cheer me Up
Agent Steel - Unstoppable Force / Skeptics Apocalypse
Blood Feast - Kill for pleasure
Coroner - Mental Vortex(people may rec RIP but I feel Mental is their best)
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Death Angel - Ultraviolence / Frolic through the Park
Evil Dead - Annihilation of a Civilization
Flotsam and Jetsam - Doomsday for the Deciever / Dreams of Death / No place for Disgrace
Forbidden - Twisted into Form / Forbidden Evil
Hallows Eve - History of Terror Disc 1/2(best of)
Heathen - Breaking the Silence / Victims of Deception
Kreator - Coma of Souls / Extreme Aggression / PLeasure to Kill / Endless Pain / Terrible Certainty
Liar - Cheatin' Games
Living Death - Protected from Reality
Metal Church - The Dark / S/T
Nasty Savage - S/T(not as thrashy as most, more on the heavy side but I have a feeling you will ilke them)
Sabbat - Dreamweaver
Tankard - Zombie Attack
Ulysses Siren - Above the Ashes
Vendetta - Go and Live...Stay and Die
Watchtower - Demonstrations in Chaos(techy thrash, more on the Annihilator side)

Dont be a fag and not get these, I wasted alot of time doing this :loco:
Sabbat - History of a Time to Come
Sabbat - Dreamweaver
Holy Terror - Mind Wars
Holy Moses - The New Machine of Lichtenstein
If you don't listen to Slayer, Megadeth or Anthrax, those are 3 of the pioneers of the style, so check them out. (Metallica being the 4th and last)