Best album from each of these thrash bands??

Doomcifer said:
Okay, now I ordered:

Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Destruction - The Antichrist
Whiplash - War and Pain/Ticket To Mayhem

ace, but imo you should get destruction "infernal overkill" and/or "eternal devastation". "the antichrist" is much more modern sounding, i'm not sure that's what you're after?
Just quickly... just out of curiosity, I went back to listen to the post-Neverland Annihilator albums -- in particular, Refresh the Demon and King of the Kill, and nothing has changed. This band fell from grace almost over night.

BUT, interestingly enough, these albums sounded really dumbed down. Some of you were complaining about too much widdly diddly doo, well, not on later albums. Some of those riffs and stuff make Quorthon sound like Jon Petrucci.

Just terrible (except maybe for the title track on Refresh...).

Also, I'll take back my comment about Agent Orange's lyrics. The last song on the album is a Tank cover and that's what I remembered. Just awful shit.

New comment to ruffle Erik's feathers no doubt: I like Sabbat, I really do, but I have to be honest, I just like Skyclad more.
New comment to ruffle Erik's feathers no doubt: I like Sabbat, I really do, but I have to be honest, I just like Skyclad more.
"Wayward Sons of Mother Earth" really rivals both Sabbat albums (I deny the 3rd one) but apart from that one and "A Burnt Offering..." Skyclad has nothing to do in a thrash thread

And yeah, it's a TANK cover... and a CD bonus track as well, it is not on the vinyl and doesn't really belong to the album... So now you have the wrong band, you're remembered the lyrics wrongly, and you say the album is "midpaced" when most of it is raging thrash... I mean, you might want to forgive me for thinking your opinion is completely worth-fucking-less. :loco:
Erik said:
"Wayward Sons of Mother Earth" really rivals both Sabbat albums (I deny the 3rd one) but apart from that one and "A Burnt Offering..." Skyclad has nothing to do in a thrash thread

Yea I agree, Sabbat ruled but "Wayward Sons" is such a fucking killer album, also Walkyier writes some of the best lyrics in metal IMO.
jimbobhickville said:
JayK, did you listen to Carnival Diablos and/or Criteria for a Black Widow. They're not up to par with the early stuff, but definitely a step up from Refresh the Demon and King of the Kill. I actually somewhat enjoy "Remains" also, but it's more techno than thrash (shh... don't tell anyone).

Yeah, multiple times. Honestly, I think I've given latter-Annihilator way more attempts than they deserve.
Ho Ho Ho did you write some linux script to come up with that one or did your mum send smoke signals

Think what you will, but Agent Orange 'aint top 10 thrash of all time :grin:
The Antichrist DOES have more of a "modern" sound, but it's good modern and definitely thrash, not some groove-laden Machine Head bullshit. If you want a recent thrash album that sounds like a modern remaster of something written and recorded in 1987:

you might want to check out:

demolition hammer - "tortured existence" and "epidemic of violence"
exhorder - the law

the probably know these, but just in case:

anthrax - fistful of metal
testament - the legacy

btw does anyone know evil dead? i heard some of their stuff long ago and thought it ruled...but being very, very drunk at the time i could be wrong. they sounded very exodus-ish and were mexicans or something? anyone?