Three Part Guitar Tone Tester

Which clip do you like best: A, B, or C?

  • CLIP A

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • CLIP B

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • CLIP C

    Votes: 17 29.8%

  • Total voters


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
This was a speaker swapping test in a 1x12 cabinet. Three different speakers were loaded into the cabinet. The ground was marked with tape around the perimeter of the speaker to ensure that the position of the cabinet in front of the microphone would not move; the microphone stand was also taped to the floor.

Speaker A: Celestion Vintage 30 (Chinese, store bought)
Speaker B: Celestion Vintage 30 (Mesa spec, from a Rectifier Cabinet)
Speaker C: Warehouse Guitar Speakers Retro 30 (Vintage 30 clone)

So, what does this say?

60% of you prefer the Chinese vintage 30 compared to the other two speakers, likely because of it's more vocal midrange, and less fizz overall. I agree that this speaker may have TOO much midrangem but it's more pleasant in voicing in my opinion.

Only 10% of you like the Mesa V30. I always did have slight issues with fizz with that speaker, and this test shows me the same. My opinion is that if this speaker did not have any fizz, it could really be awesome, and obviously has still been recorded well before by engineers over the world.

30% of you however chose the Warehouse Guitar Speakers Retro 30 as your favorite. This speaker's greatest issue to me is the relatively steep peak toward the top of the midrange that can be slightly irritating. It's similar in character to the Mesa V30, but with less fizz.

Don't bash the Chinese V30; it's a great speaker, or at least 60% of you think so. More tests are coming in the near future, as I have something big up my sleeve ;)

The mic positioning was not meant to be optimal for any one tone. The mic was positioned on the crease between the dusctcap and cone. There is no post processing in any clip whatsoever.

My buddy Chris played on this and tracked it. We did this at his house, so there was nothing fancy going on (single SM57 through Apogee Duet). I just had to run around to do what was necessary to make this "experiment" work.

The clip is divided into three obviously different sections, in order, A, B, and C.

Please pick your favorite, A, B, or C. Clips: Which sounds best.wav

After 50 votes I will reveal the difference in the chain.

Cheers :)

Keep 'em coming. You guys are going to shit yourselves when you hear the results. Jaymz, remember what we spoke about yesterday? I did it, and it's in this test ;)
i really do not like any of the tones that much, but i would go with A for sure.

Like I said, wasn't shooting for any fantastic tones, only consistency. I didn't listen back to anything, didn't adjust a microphone once. The only thing I monitored was that nothing was clipping. :)

After I finish this poll/test, then you guys are going to hear some RIDICULOUS stuff :saint: