Thyrfing - Urkraft


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I listened to most of this on the way into work this morning. So this is an interesting album in that you have really really f'ing good songs, and then others that aren't quite as good (the album undulates somewhat).

standout tracks: "Mjolner" (#1), "Drykesvededed" (#2), "Breaking of Serenity" (#5)

Can't comment on the last 3 songs yet, but I do know their cover of "Over the Hills...." is phenomenal. :kickass:

(Glad to see they include "Mjolner" in their setlist, slap bang in the middle too....)

Valdr Galga is an album that is more consistent, but meanwhile doesn't have anything that reaches quite the heights of those 3 tracks listed above.

I therefore declare Valdr Galga and Urkraft a tie. :loco:

P.S. Some of their lyrics are just awful ("Adam got laid, life is a bitch, Eve got paid") :ill: , they should just stick to their native tongue dammnit!
I declare you crazy.

There's only 1 weak track on Urkraft, and it's song #2 (which interestingly enough, you list as a standout track). :lol:

#1, #3, #5, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11 + the cover are ALL headbangalicious :headbang: