Tickets In Hand

My tickets came yesterday, only I didn't know it.

Seems someone in my house decided anything in a plain white envelope was trash and threw the damn thing in the recycle bin. :yell:

Luckily I had this feeling & decided to look through the bin. Guess what I found. If they had come one day earlier they would have been hauled away.

At least I found them.
got my four tickets this past Monday as well. Happy to at least have those, even though I missed out on the Gold Badge this year.

*stares lovingly at Gold Badge from PPUSAIII in wallet* *sigh*


Yeah, I've wondered why Ticketmaster don't even put the name "Ticketmaster" on the envelopes (Unless there's a problem with the mail in people stealing tickets).

Still, there has to be some way as I thought the same thing - "Some stupid junk mail" - then I quickly ripped the top open and was surprised to see them.
Se7enChurches said:
*stares lovingly at gold badges for Progpowers II, III, and IV*

awww yeah... going back for more... :headbang:


*also stares lovingly at gold badges for PP II, III, & IV*
*remembers severe hangovers from all 3 events*

AWWW Yeah ...going back for more, too! :) :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: