Time for my annual service message...


Working on #3
Jan 26, 2004
NH/ME Border
Okay - some advice to those of you who may be going to one of the Gigantour shows coming up soon, and this is the first time you've seen Opeth since joining the board.

If you don't want to ruin the experience for yourself, please, resist the urge to check in here on a daily basis starting on Wednesday until the day after your show.

Why? Couple reasons. First of all, Opeth isn't getting a huge time slot, so they're only going to play a few songs (4-5 max). Secondly, Opeth rarely changes its setlist. In the past, the setlist on each tour has been pretty much the same the whole way through.

If you go to the concert knowing the setlist in advance, it ruins the surprise.

I know because before going to my first Opeth concert 3 years ago, I was hanging around here like the rapable n00b you so often crave. I saw the setlist. I saw that it didn't change. Ever. Then, during the concert when Mikael announced that they were playing The Moor, everyone went nuts and I just stood there, like, yeah, I knew that was coming.

It just somehow weakened the experience for me.

Anyways, there is a small chance that Opeth will dust off a long lost tune to play along with their more predictable ones. Do not, under any circumstances, find out what this song is! And if you do, don't fucking ruin it for others at the concert. "Hey, guess what? Opeth is gonna play BRI tonight!!! I read it on UM! ROFL iirc!"

That's just asking for a beating.

Besides, most of you could use a break from this forum. It has tanked itself in the shitter for at least the past 12 months or so. Coming here is like going to the state fair to look at the freaks of nature.

I'll stick around until Wednesday, and then I'm gone until Sept. 30th - the day after the Boston show. Oh don't worry about me, I'm sure I'll manage to get my daily dose of idiocy somewhere else.

Maybe I'll go become a registered Republican.

Knowing that they were going to play The Moor ruined listening to it live? That's pretty stupid IMHO. I'll admit I got a bit excited when they played The Baying of the Hounds in Chicago earlier this year when they had yet to play it at any other show on that tour (if I remember correctly) but knowing the setlist before hand should have nothing to do with ruining the show for you.
I hate it when I accidentally read setlists before I go to a show (or when some idiot standing in line starts telling us the setlist and all the other surprises) :erk:
Okay, it didn't RUIN the experience, but it certainly took something away. Part of experiencing a concert is not knowing what song is next, and hoping for your favorites to be played.

I'm just speaking from my own experience - maybe others see it differently.
fall 2005 tour included the moor, but they didnt play it at the show i was at...i was sadly dissapointed...amazing show none the less
I prefer to be surprised. The first time I saw them, I actually wanted to have an idea of what they were playing. I can't remember why that was important, but at the time it was. It was great, but I sort of felt like some of the excitement was lost. I think back to seeing Maiden for the first time, and when the started playing "The Trooper", I lost my shit. My favorite song, and I hoped they would play it. The dude in front of me felt the same way, I guess, and tried to, uh, hug me... :erk: It was weird, especially since he was shirtless... anyhow, we were psyched.

So, when I saw Opeth again, I decided to not find out the setlist. All was good until I stood behind the Front of House mixing desk and saw the fucking setlist. I was kinda pissed. I tried not to look, but couldn't help it. It was RIGHT THERE. Anyhow, I was psyched when read the list, so that was cool. But I would have preferred to have been caught up in the moment, excited when the first notes started to play, rather than thinking, okay, it's gonna be Baying of the Hounds...cool. Although, I have to say that the list had some puzzles. "Moon" could have been UTWM or MLV... I figured it was the former, and was right, of course.

I think it's about delayed gratification. Some people enjoy it, others don't care. I like the suspense myself. I would be one of those avoiding the board if I could make it to the show. I can't, and therefore look forward to hearing what the setlist will be.
Yeah, but there's always some idiot who titles their thread "OMFG - THEY PLAYED FOREST!!!" and then it's too late. Even if you didn't want to see it, it's too late. That happened with me and the song When the second time I saw them.

Since the first show is tonight, I'm out of here until the 30th.