Time to hear about Jake's Adventures


Aug 3, 2013
So, a lot of you have been asking about what brought me here. I'd tell you the full story, but there's so much, so I'll give you the story in a nutshell.

Raised about 50/50 between my conservative Irish Catholic grandparents, and my atheist left-wing conspiracy-theory-loving father/bipolar alcoholic mother (who are about to separate now). The beginning of an awesome story.

Then a bunch of fucked up shit happened.

In college I met the people who are now my best friends, the ones who introduced me to metal. First screamo (sadly), thrash, death, black, melodic death... though it wasn't until recently I realized it was where I BELONGED. I never find a genre of music that shared such a culture. I love all types of music, and if you saw me on the street, you'd think I was normal, but this is REALLY where I feel at home. And this is the biggest metal forum I could find... I already feel welcomed here.

I've noticed though, with my metalhead friends, I can relate because most of them have sorta fucked up backgrounds. I really hope some of you can relate. I never regret what I've lived through because I know it's made me.

And money fucking sucks.

Thanks for anyone who took the time to read. Rock on! \m/
I'm aware of how the bankruptcy process works, dude. There's no plan to file yet but we're running out of options.

And I just got yelled at by my richie rich little cousin today for not providing/doing anything with my life, so I'm kind of in a bad mood. People just don't understand.
My point was more that you consider bankruptcy "the best thing that could ever happen to us". I think your mother stopping her alcoholism and shopping habits and your father finding an independent form of work he enjoys would be one better alternative, for example. Optimism goes a long way and if you aren't deluding yourself then that's a pretty rare quality to find in people, but there is a point at which it becomes too much.
My point was more that you consider bankruptcy "the best thing that could ever happen to us". I think your mother stopping her alcoholism and shopping habits and your father finding an independent form of work he enjoys would be one better alternative, for example. Optimism goes a long way and if you aren't deluding yourself then that's a pretty rare quality to find in people, but there is a point at which it becomes too much.

I know that's true, but it's so hard to change other people. You just sometimes have to accept your life for what it is. It's their financial decision to make, not mine. I want to work on changing myself but it's nearly impossible. And everything I try I get riddled with worry. It sucks.
Okay, I made a slightly condensed version. There, ya happy?

Also - I only made this thread because people have relentlessly been asking me to explain why I'm in this situation. Not looking for sympathy, more asking if anyone else has been here and how they dealt with.
Okay, I made a slightly condensed version. There, ya happy?

Also - I only made this thread because people have relentlessly been asking me to explain why I'm in this situation. Not looking for sympathy, more asking if anyone else has been here and how they dealt with.

Ok I read it this time. I have had a pretty fucked up background myself for the last two years, so I can sort of relate, but still, I said "tl;dr" mostly because this doesn't seem like the kind of forum for making emotional connections with other. Most here will call you a faggot or offer the most basic, transparent form of relation.
Most here will call you a faggot or offer the most basic, transparent form of relation.

Could be a slogan:

Ultimate Metal: Most here will call you a faggot or offer the most basic, transparent form of relation.

Anyway, I kind of wanted to call him a faggot and you ruined it.
Ok I read it this time. I have had a pretty fucked up background myself for the last two years, so I can sort of relate, but still, I said "tl;dr" mostly because this doesn't seem like the kind of forum for making emotional connections with other. Most here will call you a faggot or offer the most basic, transparent form of relation.

I'll list all the metal/semi-metal bands in my iTunes. Starred ones are my favorites.
Alice in Chains
All Shall Perish
Animals As Leaders
As Blood Runs Back
At the Gates
Beneath The Massacre
The Black Dahlia Murder*
Blood Stain Child
Cannibal Corpse*
Dark Funeral
Dark Tranquility
Dark Throne
Decrepit Birth
Fleshgod Apocalypse
God Dethroned*
Iron Maiden*
Lamb of God*
Led Zeppelin* (the band that introduced me to metal)
Metallica* (duh)
Misery Index
Morbid Angel
Old Man's Child
Rage Against The Machine
Spawn of Possession
Symphony X*
Three Days Grace (my dad had this album for some reason, idk why?)
Van Halen
Within the Ruins

I'll admit I haven't listen to every one of them in depth yet to have a full appreciation, but it's just perfect for the moods I get in.
Ok I read it this time. I have had a pretty fucked up background myself for the last two years, so I can sort of relate, but still, I said "tl;dr" mostly because this doesn't seem like the kind of forum for making emotional connections with other. Most here will call you a faggot or offer the most basic, transparent form of relation.

I obviously know that man, I really only wanted to know how to deal with the money crap. I only included the emotional crap because I expected a "well it's your own fault". Guess I was too defensive.

Feel free to call me a faggot though, cause in spite of the crap, I'm about to get laid by a hot chick this week. :Smug:
I meant that the list is that of a novice metal fan. Some good/great stuff, but none of it is "kvlt" (for lack of a better term). He still has a lot of great stuff to discover.