nobody tried to offer advice for Jake's Money Problems??
what the hell is wrong with you people??
Do you have any advice?
If not, what the hell is wrong with you??
nobody tried to offer advice for Jake's Money Problems??
what the hell is wrong with you people??
First screamo (sadly)
I'm aware of how the bankruptcy process works, dude. There's no plan to file yet but we're running out of options.
And I just got yelled at by my richie rich little cousin today for not providing/doing anything with my life, so I'm kind of in a bad mood. People just don't understand.
Who the fuck is Jake?
i finally make an advice-giving post and no one pays attention
You're a homeless meth head who likes ICP. Why would anyone listen to your advice?
Jake is a newbie here who seems to be attentiom seeking and a lil fragile right now. And he is a Pats fan. I'm sure youll just love him Krig. ; )
so, are your money problems from student loans?? or from something else entirely??
seriosuly asking, you were kinda vague about this
Not attention seeking - as I said, I'm trying to bring this thread into a different direction.
And I thought you were a Pats fan too...?
I was goofin, just bustin ya bud. And I am a Pats fan- BIGTIME! Us fans are pretty much hated the likes of Krig etc lol.
Incase you haven't noticed I'm way too defensive at times.
So muzmaze, to bring this thread to the direction I want to bring it to - what brought you to metal? There's a story there - football and metal are quite the combo.
Well, its a long story. Basically im the old bastard around here. ..but still a kid at heart at times lol. Ive always been a bigtime sports fan and a major jock growing playing all the major sports and still play at times now. All along being a guitarist and major metal head.
Kind of had two phases of metal in life thus far. Phase1 being Early Van Halen owned me and the Maidens and Priest ruled my youth (like many other kids) as well. Sports and music kept me focused and out of trouble especially when I lost my Dad early on when in H.S. and when times and family were very dysfunctional. Phase 2 and current being a heavier brand of metal loving bands like Amon Amarth, Tyr, Suidakra, Pyramaze, Svartsot to name a few.
Sounds like you've been through quite a lot, man. Respect. I was never an athlete, but always a sports fan (Pats/Sox). I can never focus on just one thing.
Also sounds like you're a bit older than me, based on what was the "in" metal at the time. But regardless seemed to have the same effect. Hate it when people say metal makes you violent and eat babies or whatever crap. Bullfuckingshit.
Im guessing you are from the New England area?