timeless bands/artists

Mar 30, 2003
on Earth
Since we've fallen into the age of mass-consuming, where have the new (our) generations of timeless bands gone to?

our Lord has given us the Beatles, the Stones, the Who, Led Zeppelin - u name 'm, but they're not from this era, they cleared paths for new ones..

what timeless quality bands/artists has our generation generated?
bands that serve quality music, distinctive stuff.

i'd say U2, Madonna, RHCP, Radiohead, Metallica, Guns n' Roses

go on :cool:
U2 for sure! Madonna has some great songs too (Frozen!!!), Metallica's old stuff is timeless too, I agree :)

who else: Tool, Loreena McKennit, Tori Amos!!!, Iron Maiden (oke, they are some older too but nevermind), Anathema...
yeh, i agree, for me Anathema for instance are timeless too, but no-one (mainstream) seems to know them like - i was referring to bands that have a massive influence on bands sprouting today u know
I dont think you can draw a comparison between them, different eras. the music biz was a lot less fragmented back then

I doubt very much that any band from the second list (cept maybe radiohead)will be seen in the same context as the stones, zepplin or the beatles 20 years from now. Hopefully twenty years from now people will say "U-who??" :tickled:

*serious post shock*
Bambi said:
I dont think you can draw a comparison between them, different eras. the music biz was a lot less fragmented back then
doesnt matter that much, its quality music. ppl still listen to it.
60's, same there... i think the biz is deffo fragmented now, tho its a filter at its own as well - i mean, u instantly know whether its crap or quality if you hear music nowadays.

I doubt very much that any band from the second list (cept maybe radiohead)will be seen in the same context as the stones, zepplin or the beatles 20 years from now.
oh yes, u reckon these bands are influencing loads of kids as we speak?
whats that context exactly?

Hopefully twenty years from now people will say "U-who??" :tickled:
hopefully? well, i hope they've only bought like the 1st cpl of them records tho
Beethoven, Mozart... :) I don´t think that anyone will listen to Madonna in some centuries. Hopefully... :D