

Porno kitty
Feb 13, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Okay, I know I've mentioned them here before, but I am curious--how many people know/like the Swedish band Timescape? I was a little surprised lately to find out someone who knows someone I know knows several TS fans (did you follow that?:)) . I almost never see them mentioned, so I thought I might as well ask!

Originally posted by lady_space
Okay, I know I've mentioned them here before, but I am curious--how many people know/like the Swedish band Timescape? I was a little surprised lately to find out someone who knows someone I know knows several TS fans (did you follow that?:)) . I almost never see them mentioned, so I thought I might as well ask!


I've heard of them! :D

Does that count? :)

If you like Yngwie Malmsteen, then you'll like this band. On almost each song, you keep expecting them to break into the chorus, "The lightning strikes, flash in the night...blah blah" from Rising Force on Odyssey.

Actually if you want better Malmsteen rip-off's, check out At Vance and Concerto Moon....
Hmmm... now I'm supposed to figure out what you said yes to, eh? ;)

(Surely you don't think they're "Malmsteen clones," too? Nothing IMO could be further from the truth, and I actually know Malmsteen well enough that I could quote the correct lyrics. ;))

Actually, the last two At Vance discs are better than anything Yngwie has done in recent memory with exception of his Orchestra project which was killer (in my humble opinion). The At Vance production is killer and the vocalist is ultra-smooth. Much more heavy and agressive than Yngwie overall without loosing any polish. I can hardly say that about anything Yngwie since Fire & Ice, although Alchemy was a good disc. Mike Viscera (sp?) was a killer vocalist, but those discs just didn't seem as complete to me as "Only Human" or "Heart of Steel" by At Vance.
Please, No! God, No! Yngwie's band was great when I saw him live, they were better when they were known as ARK with Tore Otsby on Guitar. Yngwie was BBOORIINNGG!! Timescape's music sounds interesting, but I'm fairly sure my voice is better and I've never recorded professionally.
Originally posted by lady_space
Hmmm... now I'm supposed to figure out what you said yes to, eh? ;)

(Surely you don't think they're "Malmsteen clones," too? Nothing IMO could be further from the truth, and I actually know Malmsteen well enough that I could quote the correct lyrics. ;))


Yes, I've heard them. Yes, I like it (the first one more though). Yes, I DON'T think they're Malmsteen clones. Yes, I don't hear them mentioned too much. Yes, about the fans.


NP: YES - Yessongs (just for you, in your honor) :lol: