Tipping the pizza guy/girl

...speaking of tips.... you know what REALLY ANNOYS ME!!?

Tipping cab drivers... why oh why must we tip them?
Especially the ones who do not get chanrged by the meter (like in DC)
I tip like 2 bucks, which is not a lot, and everytime I give them those lousy two bucks I hate every time... enlighten me: why are we tipping cab drivers?!
I just toss them something rounded to the nearest 5 and say keep it. Don't feel like waiting for change, as if I take a cab, I'm likely in a big city, and also in a hurry.
Well, I don't recall if I tipped him or not, but in SF last year, Tyler, Eric and I got in a cab, and asked him to step on it. Shoulda tipped him if I didn't, we were almost airborne on hills. First time I was ever scared when drunk. But damn did he get us to the hotel in a hurry.
I am a pizza delivery guy right now, although that job will be hopefully changing soon. But yeah, I don't like it when people don't tip. I keep a list of the addresses that piss me off with their stinginess, and enough no-tip trips earns them my shit in their mailbox.
Sounds like you don't deserve a tip. Tips are bonuses, not requirements, they made a mistake in training our generation to believe we're owed more than we put into things.
He used dry British-style humor, that's the problem. You've not watched enough Monty Python lately I bet.
It did take me a moment to parse that he was being facetious. I can see where people paused. Careful with that deadpan.