Tired of these tingy guys


Mar 30, 2005
Sometimes ago I started to do some live show as FOH guy. I like it but the 3 times I did it, I worked only for 1 or 2 bands of the gig and another FOH guy did the other bands. And I did it for free (only the first time I went at the venue the afternoon to set everything etc....).
All the bands were/are really happy of my works so they became enthusiastic and they started to ask "You have to come this weekend!!! So you make us sound fantastic!!!". It's really good to hear these things of course.
The problem is that I'm tired to work for free so this time I said "Ok I come...but I want 50€. It doesn't matter how many bands I have to do, but I want 50€"
Yesterday evening one of the guys of the headliner band said me "we don't know...probably we will stay with the FOH of the venue..."
Why? Because they don't wanna spend 5€/person (2 bands) :D
Pretty ridicolous.
The ridicolous thing is that these bands regularly argue about how shitty the FOH guy was, how shitty the venue sounds, etc... but when there is a guy they like and they have to pay him.......then every FOH guy is good :D
But my point of view is: why should I have to do it for free, when the venue's FOH guy comes for 70€-80€?
I remember one time that one of these bands said me "You're great!!! You have to do every show we will do!!! We'll pay you 10€!!!!!!"
C'mon........10€?!?!?!?!? 2€/person????? :D
It would be great...but 150€ for bands that don't wanna pay more than 10€ it's pretty impossible.
Anyway, another guitarist said some minutes ago that this evening I have to do 3 bands instead of 2 and that my rate is not a problem........holy shit.......also unorganized! :D Every band member sometimes says totally different things....meh
You can think it would be the crisis, etc... but if a band proposes to you 10€, and after that you learn they are paying a guy to do a new myspace for 150€, only because they was tired of the old layout, moreover without a new cd or songs out....... you start to think which are the priorities for these bands..
It would be great...but 150€ for bands that don't wanna pay more than 10€ it's pretty impossible.
Anyway, another guitarist said some minutes ago that this evening I have to do 3 bands instead of 2 and that my rate is not a problem........holy shit.......also unorganized! :D Every band member sometimes says totally different things....meh
You can think it would be the crisis, etc... but if a band proposes to you 10€, and after that you learn they are paying a guy to do a new myspace for 150€, only because they was tired of the old layout, moreover without a new cd or songs out....... you start to think which are the priorities for these bands..

Yeah, But for real... 200€ for four bands, say there is like 4 members on each band, thats like 12.50€ a head.
It would be great...but 150€ for bands that don't wanna pay more than 10€ it's pretty impossible.
Anyway, another guitarist said some minutes ago that this evening I have to do 3 bands instead of 2 and that my rate is not a problem........holy shit.......also unorganized! :D Every band member sometimes says totally different things....meh
You can think it would be the crisis, etc... but if a band proposes to you 10€, and after that you learn they are paying a guy to do a new myspace for 150€, only because they was tired of the old layout, moreover without a new cd or songs out....... you start to think which are the priorities for these bands..

You nailed it I think.

A great sound for 50€ still is a gift imo :D
You're right, don't work for free !!!
but you gotta take into account that most of these bands play live for free maybe (I don't know if this band you asked money was playing for free) so spending money would be an issue.

Lo so sono rompicoglioni ;) ma non si dice "headliner band said me" si dice "headliner band told me"
Rompicoglioni :D

Yes they play for free....or better, they have to sell lot of advance sale tickets to play :D
Anyway I don't work for free....It was only the first time because I can't go to a show and say "ok...it's my first time, I want 200€!"
This evening I'll get 60€
Don't work for free.

Helping out friends for free is okay just one time, but they wanna have you as the FOH guy, not to be their friend.

A band thats not willing to invest in a proper live/studio sound deserves a bad sound. They have to learn the hard way.
You're right, don't work for free !!!
but you gotta take into account that most of these bands play live for free maybe (I don't know if this band you asked money was playing for free) so spending money would be an issue.

Lo so sono rompicoglioni ;) ma non si dice "headliner band said me" si dice "headliner band told me"

yeah, of course. i'm just curious if someone knows any specific figures for certain bands and might be willing to share. (tour manager rates would be interesting as well!)
haha Gavin, it always amazes me how you give interesting bits of information but always skip out on the details. :lol: tell us the whole story you nasty fucker! =)