TMK "Pilot (man with the meat machine)" reviews

translated in english here :) :

Thee Maldoror Kollective - Pilot (Man With The Meat Machine)
Code 666
file under different metal
Evil Dr. Smith: Just like the name suggests, Thee Malodoror Kollective isn't your ordinary baker's dozen band. What started out as progressive semi-black metal industrial band on 'New Era Viral Order', evolves with 'A Clockwork Highway' quite quickly into a band that prefers to hang out in the movies instead of a Hard Rock CafÈ. On this new album they have definitely left the pub, sold their metal cd collection for a huge pile of DVD movies, cut their hair and trade their denim 'n' leather for decent suits. But mind you, don't think this band has become a bunch of soft pussies. Maybe the decibel terror decreased, but certainly not its musical accessibility. Man, these guys do some crazy things on this album!

I do think it's better to review this album by movie critics, instead of music journalists. This album sounds like you're zapping through at least twenty movie channels with art house, horror and vague B-movies. Especially the first half of the album sounds like an exploded fragmentation bomb at a Horror Film Festival. It cost a lot of time and spins to understand the music, also because the songs started as a chaotic carrousel of sound, music and movie samples and take several minutes to unveil the musical direction. Opening song 'Exile' sounds something like a Morricone's spaghetti western ballad, played by Vangelis and Pink Floyd. The next song 'Microphones & Flies' is more frivolous swing with a freakshow twist, which halfway is changed into a scene from a torture chamber with lots of handcuffs, spikes and other iron tools. 'Zombie Children' starts with an ultra cool groove that has got a bit of a Kyuss/35007 atmosphere (call it an intergalactic desert riff in the seventh dimension, if you like), interrupted by a purposely-false singing sleazerock dude with a fat Italian accent, and whereby the last minute of the song is totally dedicated to the melody of Ben E. King's 'Stan By Me', accompanied by yet another vague movie sample.

The second part of the album is a little more accessible and less obsessively drowned in a cinematographic framework. Like the eleven minutes of 'The Night Mr. Clenchman Dies', which sounds like Joy Division doing a Swans song in a post-hardcore style like Cult Of Luna (and including a reprise of that cool riff from 'Zombie Children'). The results are enigmatically thrilling… and the only song where the (metal) guitar is a dominant part of the song. The first part of the following triptych 'Pilot' contains jazzy piano, female vocals and a penetrating, incensed atmosphere that makes it like the Dresden Dolls doing a Portishead cover. The second part sounds like a blaxploitation movie directed by Rob Zombie and the last part is straight stolen from a Warp Records album. The album closes with the short 'A Gasoline Hero', a song that also contains a videoclip that's on the enhanced section of this album. An industrial sort of video (made by Allessandro Pacciani) that looks like a combination between Tool, the movie Pi and the male torsos from Leni Riefenstahl's 'Triumph Des Willens', directed by H.R. Giger. Vocals aren't the main instrument on this album, but if you hear them, it's always done by someone, or something else.

They call themselves an experimental comedy jam band, a "robots orchestra playing the blues". Well, if you change the blues part into a soundtrack for film noir, robots into the art collective Cabaret Voltaire (not the band) and orchestra into a jazzrock ensemble with a preference for Manes, Ulver and Cinematic Orchestra, then I agree with their definition. Due to the fragmented, eclectic character the album is more fascinating and intriguing than big and impressive. But it does contain some exhilarating passages. Oh well, with such a band name, such album sleeve (url=]nice babe[/url], horrible design) and operating from Italy on an obscure Italian avantgard-metal label, this band is still doomed to an insignificant footnote in the music annals. Therefore I hope movie freak Mike Patton and his label Ipecac will notice this band, giving the band a chance for a bigger audience.

Evil Dr. Smith diagnoses: 80/100 (details)
Hi everyone,
H:K aka Riccardo, guitar player from TMK here. Found this thing on a romanian website (looks like a blog but i can't understand a word of it...). Eros Ramazzotti and Rhapsody are mentioned too, sounds cool! Any Negura Bunget aficionado who can translate it?

hee Maldoror Kollective e o trupa destul de obscura dintr-o tara mai putin obscura, Italia. Desi muzical e cunoscuta intre metalisti pentru trupe de power-metal copilaresc si repetitiv precum Rhapsody, sau pentru Eros Ramazzoti in cazul altora, tara lui Umberto Eco se poate lauda cu o multime de trupe de avangarda, precum Monumentum, Canaan, Void of Silence si Thee Maldoror Kollective.

TMK a pornit la drum ca o trupa de black metal, pentru ca incepand cu 2002 sa se transforme intr-o adevarata nebunie, un cocktail delicios de metal si industrial odata cu lansarea albumului New Era Viral Order. A Clockwork Highway, doi ani mai tarziu, e mai plin de zombies si referiri la filme horror decat blogul lui manelesux. Un masacru auditiv pentru cei tari de urechi. In 2007 apare Pilot - The Man With The Meat Machine, cu tanti de mai sus pe coperta. Tanti care e ceva renumita actrita de filme horror cica; ar putea fi si de filme porno la cum arata, dar asta conteaza mai putin.

Pilot suna excelent, merge si pentru cardiaci spre deosebire de albumul precedent. Asta pentru ca e mult mai atmosferic, oarecum mai moale as putea spune. E mai “retro”, are (cred ca pentru prima data in istoria trupei) voce cantata (clean vocals). E a dracu’ de eterogen si mie cel putin imi place asta. Pilot reprezinta un nou pas inainte pentru trupa si desi nu e neaparat mai accesibil decat ce au scos in trecut, e foarte posibil sa placa si celor care nu gusta industrail sau metal.


By Jason Jordan

Thee Maldoror Kollective seemingly embrace the satirical phrases that class clowns often scrawl into a friend’s yearbook: “Always change. Never stay the same.” The black metal has been long gone – only a few vestiges remain – and the industrial/noise elements that helmed A Clockwork Highway have made room in the cockpit for an Estradasphere-like companion, though the two rarely intermingle. So Pilot (Man with the Meat Machine) is very different from its predecessors, which, if you’re acquainted with Thee Maldoror Kollective in the least, should not come as a surprise.

Much of Pilot is striking simply because the ostensible influences are quite varied, making the smooth saxophone-led “Exile” a song that will catch most off guard until the darker, instrumental portion begins at 4:55. Utilizing soundclips and blending styles akin to Estradasphere, “Microphones & Flies” has a jazzy feel and may loosely remind some of fellow Italians Ephel Duath. That is, until the electronics take over at 15 after 4 and lend much-needed drive to what first comes across as a directionless tune. The beginning of “Zombie Children” is perfectly suited for inclusion in a Tarantino film, but jettisons the vibe by including bizarre, indecipherable vocals during certain points. Eventually “Zombie Children” gets even weirder when it transitions into “Stand by Me” with soundclips. Others, such as “Welcome to the Golden Dove Society,” “The Night Mr. Clenchman Died,” “Pilot 1,” and “Pilot 2” erase all sense of expectation and predictability as we’re treated to yet more genre-mixing, cinematic moments. “Pilot 3,” however, ushers in the revenge of the synth, and the lead-out “A Gasoline Hero” is more closely related to pre-Pilot material than anything else on the record.

My initial reaction to P (MwtMM) was one of bafflement – how could TMK change this much when prior efforts completely neglected to hint that a shift like this was going to take place? It’s not so perplexing, though, when viewing their discography as a whole, and/or the band’s propensity for change. Like many albums that call Code666 their label, Pilot is both unusual and gratifying. Nevertheless, I envision this being merely a passing curiosity for the average metalhead while others who enjoy quirkiness a la – once again – Estradasphere should definitely give this a shot. It’s just unfortunate that the replay value isn’t as high as the cast of Half Baked is right now.


Thee Maldoror Kollective - Pilot (man with the meat machine)
Code666, 2007

Het lijkt wel steeds meer een kunst te worden om je muziek in een zo vaag mogelijk hokje te plaatsen. Nog even zo doorzetten en er zijn meer muziekstijlen dan bands te vinden. Zo kan het Italiaanse collectief Thee Maldoror Kollective er ook wat van. Hun nieuwste werk met de titel Pilot (man with the meat machine) wordt aangeprezen met de banier Cinematic Avantgarde Music. Met geen idee wat ik ervan moest verwachten vond het schijfje wel snel zijn weg naar de speler, want wat je er ook van mag denken, interessant klinkt het zeker.
Thee Maldoror Kollective

Met de vorige vier plaatwerkjes wist Thee Maldoror Kollective meer de zwartgallige metalliefhebbers te bekoren. Op Pilot (man with the meat machine) is daar weinig van terug te horen, de band tapt de muzikale invloeden ditmaal uit een wel heel ander vaatje. Misschien kan ik beter vaatjes zeggen, want de cd ontaard in een bizarre mix van allerlei muziekgenres. Bij de eerste luisterbeurt wordt al heel snel duidelijk dat je hier als luisteraar even goed voor moet gaan zitten, want hoewel het nog rustig begint met een mooie saxofoonintro krijg je bij het tweede nummer een stortvloed van samples en muziekstijlen voor je kiezen. Er wordt (bij vlagen nogal chaotisch) flink van de hak op de tak gesprongen met onder andere country, jazz en de onvermijdelijke metalinvloeden, die ontaarden in een geheel wat me bij vlagen zelfs doet denken aan The Prodigy of hoe Venetian Snares klinkt op hun album Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett.

Na Pilot (man with the meat machine) aan heel wat luisterbeurten te hebben onderworpen zou ik nu nog geen fatsoenlijke omschrijving kunnen geven wat er nou precies onder Cinematic Avantgarde Music verstaan moet worden. Duidelijk is dat het cinematische vooral zit in de sfeer en allerlei korte geluidssampletjes uit films. Wat ik verder wel kan vertellen is dat dit een heerlijk schijfje is voor mensen de breed zijn qua muzieksmaak, last hebben van metaalmoeheid, of gewoon houden van veel afwisseling in de muziek. Zoals ik al zei is het metalgehalte erg laag, veel verder dan wat Tool-achtige riffjes in de nummers A Gasoline Hero en The Night mr. Clenchman Died komt het niet. Maar hoewel het erg op de achtergrond gedrukt wordt zijn de invloeden er dus nog wel in te horen.

Een bizarre cd dus die als flinke taaie kost mag worden beschouwd. Je moet er dus even goed voor gaan zitten om het op je in te laten werken. Maar zodra dat het geval is heb je aan Pilot een cd die een erg gave afwisseling is als je even wat 'anders' voor je kiezen wilt. Tenslotte wil ik nog even een eervolle vermelding toevoegen aan deze review over de aankleding van de cd. Niet alleen doet de voorkant van de hoes de hormonen door mijn lichaam gieren, de rest van het cd-boekje ziet er op een andere manier ook erg goed uit. Op iedere pagina staat een ander pop-art werkje afgebeeld wat door de muziek geïnspireerd is. Concluderend kan ik dan ook niets anders zeggen dan goed werk, mooie score.

Pilot (Man with the Meat Machine) (2007)

31 Ianuarie 2007
de Aron Biro

Thee Maldoror Kollective - Pilot (Man with the Meat Machine)
Thee Maldoror Kollective nu este atat o trupa asupra careia trebuie sa se atraga atentia, cat un pretext pentru a discuta un simptom actual al muzicii experimentale. Primul gest la care un potential muzician se poate deda pentru a deveni interesant este experimentul. Acest gest poate fi dublat sau nu de cunostinte in domeniu, fapt de importanta secundara la nivelul la care se ridica problema. Numerosi muzicieni de cariera si-au inceput istoria cu vitejii intuitive si la fel de multi si-au inceput-o cu pasul lent, melc melc codobelc, al insusirii temeinice a bazei tehnice, fara a gasi o problema in asta.

Un fenomen care reuseste frecvent sa se ascunda sub fusta ideii de experiment este colajul. In mod surprinzator, a capatat din partea catalogatorilor si o denumire vandabila: genul practicat de grupul italian TKM este etichetat ca visionary post-industrial-metal. Am mai intalnit si eticheta cinematic avant-garde music, mai apropiata de termenul corect pe care il voi formula pe intelesul tuturor: colaj avangardist de esantioane cinematografice.

Desigur, colajul este practicat intens in toate genurile muzicale, de regula acolo unde apare un dezinteres subordonat unor scopuri mai „inalte” - o linie vocala impunatoare ca brand ori o ambianta social-senzoriala de tipul techno-party. Colajul este intens exploatat si in muzica metal, dar aici se mai adauga si ambitia de a produce sunetele respective cu o prezenta fizica si cu sudoarea fruntii. In cazul unor trupe ca Thee Maldoror Kollective insa, colajul reprezinta ratiunea de a exista, cel putin la stadiul de pupa, imediat succesor al stadiului de larva si, speram, premergator celui de fluture.

Pentru TMK, viermuiala s-a desfasurat pe terenul black-metal iar inaltul zborul ar trebui, inductiv, sa aiba loc in domeniul muzicii de film. Consideratia are la baza datoria pe care trupa o are fata de cinematografie, atata vreme cat initiativele sale experimentale se dovedesc a fi biblioteci de esantioane sonore din filme (horror si SF) asternute peste un fundal generic de ritmuri electronice. La sperantele formulate mai contribuie si increderea in onestitatea membrilor, care si-au botezat penultimul album A Clockwork Highway, nume alcatuit prin decuparea si alaturarea titlurilor A Clockwork Orange si Lost Highway. Alte surse de inspiratie pentru clipboard-ul trupei sunt titluri ca Resident Evil, Blade Runner, soundtrackurile filmelor spaghetti zombie, seriile James Bond, Matrix, iar lista se lungeste intr-atat, incat transforma auditia intr-o ghicitoare de aproape o ora. Totusi, ceea ce ramane pana la urma de salutat este stradania de a canta, manifestata pentru prima data de TMK pe materialul invocat aici ca pretext, Pilot (Man with the Meat Machine). In sfarsit sunt identificabile contributii muzicale sporadice din partea trupei pe piese ca Zombie Children Do Synthetic Dreams, The Modernist Matador Mansion si The Night Mr.Clenchman Died, precum si esantioane jazz de textura organica (pian, bass, baterie) prin care se incearca evadarea de sub umbrela restrictiva a muzicii electronice. Pentru a nu lasa tabloul incomplet, trebuie sa apreciem si ca trupa nu se mai multumeste cu scalarea si translatarea esantioanelor ci risca ocazional o interpretare personala a acestora, un efort care deschide posibilitatea unei cariere live, oarecum similara cu a graficienilor itineranti care-ti fac portretul la Costinesti in sezonul estival. Daca nu te misti prea tare, incepe sa semene.
RUMORE Magazine (printed)

THEE MALDOROR KOLLECTIVE "Pilot (Man with the Meat Machine)"


Pervengono alla definitiva logica artistica dell'elaborazione sonora a cut-up. O meglio, il suono diviene mezzo legato dadaisticamente ed esotericamente in un universo che adopera un collage espressionista la cui tipologia vive dell'immaginario cinematografico noir (Kubrick, Lynch, Carpenter, Tarantino in primis). A Clockwork Highway, e specialmente la sua costola 23 Miles Back on..., fecero intendere l'intenzione culturale, ergo il chiaro distaccamento dalla matrice metal. Pilot Man... va oltre, sfida la capacità concettuale dell'ascoltatore allineandosi nel corredo surreale del Maestro Foetus (periodo Flow); ossia jazz (quello notturno e vellutato di Badalamenti), blues, rocksteady, elettronica, sinfonico (l'operistica deforme cara a Devil Doll), rock, metal, gotico (il cenno neo Fields/Bad Seeds di The Night Mr. Clenchman Died), estetica western dai toni morriconiani, subiscono una compressione figurativa estasiante, anche grazie all'alto contributo medianico di un protagonista della sperimentazione industriale quale Z'EV. Poderosi.

di Stefano Morelli
RUMORE Magazine (printed)

THEE MALDOROR KOLLECTIVE "Pilot (Man with the Meat Machine)"


Pervengono alla definitiva logica artistica dell'elaborazione sonora a cut-up. O meglio, il suono diviene mezzo legato dadaisticamente ed esotericamente in un universo che adopera un collage espressionista la cui tipologia vive dell'immaginario cinematografico noir (Kubrick, Lynch, Carpenter, Tarantino in primis). A Clockwork Highway, e specialmente la sua costola 23 Miles Back on..., fecero intendere l'intenzione culturale, ergo il chiaro distaccamento dalla matrice metal. Pilot Man... va oltre, sfida la capacità concettuale dell'ascoltatore allineandosi nel corredo surreale del Maestro Foetus (periodo Flow); ossia jazz (quello notturno e vellutato di Badalamenti), blues, rocksteady, elettronica, sinfonico (l'operistica deforme cara a Devil Doll), rock, metal, gotico (il cenno neo Fields/Bad Seeds di The Night Mr. Clenchman Died), estetica western dai toni morriconiani, subiscono una compressione figurativa estasiante, anche grazie all'alto contributo medianico di un protagonista della sperimentazione industriale quale Z'EV. Poderosi.

di Stefano Morelli

fico :p
From Gothtronic (Hol)


Once in a couple of years an album comes out that totally claims my cd player and denies access to that holy temple o all other albums for several weeks. An album that's not only of the highest quality, but also extremely innovative and original. In this case, we're talking about an album by T/M/K, also known as Thee Maldoror Kollective. I remembered the band from the 90's when they failed to impress me with their mediocre black metal. Since that time, many things have changed for T/M/K, who explored industrial metal and got praise for it, especially for "A Clockwork Highway". And now there is "Pilot (Man with the Meat Machine)"...

Let's not beat around the bush: "Pilot" once again is a radical change of styles for T/M/K. The music has become much more organic and the band went to look even further for the boundaries of the musical spectrum, only keeping the spooky atmosphere as a fundament to build a new album on. "Pilot" starts nice and relaxed with melancholic saxophone sounds and subtle percussion, but then opening track "Exile (in Serenity)" develops towards a monumental post rock song with riffs that will make Pelican and Mogwai sick of jealousy.

And that was just the beginning of a bizarre musical journey, which passes the listener like a movie. During the trip, you can hear elements of country, jazz, blues, triphop, industrial, metal, breakcore and classical music and it's all put together with movie samples and a special atmosphere. T/M/K miraculously succeeded in blending all these styles in a fascinating and beautiful way, with the earlier mentioned "Exile (in Serenity)" and the dramatic "The Night Mr. Clenchman Died" as wonderful highlights. But the album is best consumed as a whole, asking full attention and not having a dull moment from the first to the last second. Even the artwork is beautiful and fits perfectly to the music, so what else do you want?

"Pilot (Man with Meat Machine" has become an extremely interesting album, although it won't be able to please many people. But if you're not afraid of a strange musical adventure, it is definitely a masterpiece!

Review by: Lykle
Rate: 9.5
From Audiodrome (ita)


Pubblichiamo il testo del file tmk_bozza, estratto dall’hard disk del recensore.

Il collettivo esce dall’autostrada (neurale) per il pieno di idee guida. Morricone saluta dalla fuel station, inizia un nuovo viaggio negli Stati Uniti Della Mente. La radio della ballard-mobile passa jazz e vecchie glorie, Pussy Galore si scopa Mr. Bungle, la risata di Foetus seppellirà Ben E. King. Bambini-zombi fanno sogni sintetici, ma incubi Scorn e Godflesh infestano lividi la notte dell’eroe. In uno di questi Z’EV forse ha ucciso Mr. Clenchman, perché questo è un noir, non un road movie: Tarantino e Rodriguez che guardano Lost Highway, squartati con cocci di sax e piano da una fémme fatale posticcia (nessuno dica Brian De Palma). I loro pezzi gettati in un mare decostruito di beats & blips.
Un cabaret (voltaire) di alta e bassa cucina (verlaine), attori d’eccezione e di accezione, ovunque la visione. Invidia Cronenberg a venire. David, lo faresti tu un James Bond?

Pubblichiamo il testo di un’intercettazione telefonica del recensore, precedente alla data di creazione del file.

Anonimo: Che vuoi?
Recensore: Mi è arrivato l’ultimo tiemmekappa.
Anonimo: Chi cazzo sono?
Recensore: Allora… partono dal black metal…
Anonimo: Sto già riattaccando.
Recensore: Aspé, adesso è tutto elettronica taglia e cuci. Qualche chitarrona ogni tanto, tipo Godflesh o giù di lì, tipo nell’ultima è sporca forte, ma il basso sembra quello di "Butterfly Caught" dei Massive Attack… col ritmo sono dei fighi.
Anonimo: Importa sega di quello. Collage sonori tipo Matmos?
Recensore: Non campionamenti da oggetti, tipo da altra musica, con momenti tipo colonna sonora. Sicuro devono avere ascolti industrial e tutta l’ironia del caso, fai conto però che alla fine della fiera rifanno un’atmosfera jazz-noir che manco i Portishead, tipo anche loro matti per 007, ma è tutto schizzato, quindi torniamo sul discorso industrialoide sperimentale. Poi… che altro… ci buttano dentro un po’ di break beats ad hoc per far contrasto con la roba vintage che ci mettono. Ecco. Un gioco di decontestualizzazione e rilettura di alcuni generi in funzione del loro originario estremismo sonoro. Oddio, che cazzo ho detto?
Anonimo: Ok. Solito disco tutto forma che va spinto a priori. Mi scoccia la puzza di metallaro. Ricorda il primo comandamento: tirarsela sempre.
Recensore: Ma no, che c’entra… sì ok, i formalismi… comunque mi diverte l’immaginario un po’ Tarantino e Rodriguez, un po’ anche cyberpunk… però non ce la faccio a scrivere una cosa sistematica, che spieghi bene come sono, anche perché si sa che io le basi culturali non ce le ho...
Anonimo: E perché io sì? Usa il trucchetto burroughs-ballard-surrealista e chi dico io se lo fa piacere.
Recensore: Mmmh… secondo me davvero meritavano di più… disco della madonna… vedo quello che mi esce. Speriamo che non lo stronchi quello là e che nessuno mi sgami. Ciao.
Anonimo: Ciao coglione.

Review by: Fabrizio garau
Rate: 4/5
Non campionamenti da oggetti, tipo da altra musica, con momenti tipo colonna sonora. Sicuro devono avere ascolti industrial e tutta l’ironia del caso, fai conto però che alla fine della fiera rifanno un’atmosfera jazz-noir che manco i Portishead, tipo anche loro matti per 007, ma è tutto schizzato, quindi torniamo sul discorso industrialoide sperimentale. Poi… che altro… ci buttano dentro un po’ di break beats ad hoc per far contrasto con la roba vintage che ci mettono. Ecco. Un gioco di decontestualizzazione e rilettura di alcuni generi in funzione del loro originario estremismo sonoro. Oddio, che cazzo ho detto?

We created a monster! :)


Italialainen Three Maldoror Kollective, tai TMK kuten ryhmä itseään kutsuu, aloitti uransa joskus 90-luvun hämärissä. Ryhmän ensimmäinen albumi Ars Magika julkaistiin vuonna 1998, minkä jälkeen pitkäsoittoja on ilmestynyt parin vuoden välein. Pilot (man with the meat machine) onkin jo viides albumi, eikä TMK:n ilmaisu ole ainakaan selkiytynyt vuosien saatossa.

Totaalisen irrallisen tuntuiset ja toisiinsa täysin sopimattomat mosaiikin palat muodostavat pakkoliitosten kautta outoja kuvioita, joissa pitäisi kaiketi löytyä jonkinlainen kuvio tai tarina – tai sitten ei. Kolmimiehinen ryhmä ilakoikin post-rockin ihmemaassa täysin estoitta, tarttuen mihin tahansa mikä sattuu vain olemaan ulottuvilla. Rock on kuitenkin vain yksi pienen pieni provinssi TMK:n valtakunnassa. Kaikkein selvimmin aikaansaatu äänikollaasi muistuttaa elokuvia ja ryhmä kuvaakin omaa tyylisuuntaansa nimellä ”cinematic avantgarde music”. Määritelmä on kaikessa epämääräisyydessään sopiva, sillä perinteisen musiikin kanssa tällä kollaasilla ei ole juuri tekemistä.

En helposti lähde runttaamaan näin kokeellista ja rohkeaa tuotosta, mutta kun eri ainesten toisiinsa sotkeminen ja jatkuva loikinta äänimaailmasta toiseen muuttuu iteisarvoksi, ollaan mielestäni hukattu jotain oleellista. Toki tällä tavoin aikaansaadut äänirykelmät ovat tavallaan kiehtovia, mutta silti kaiken taustalla tuntuu vaikuttavan epätoivoinen pakko-outous ja suoranainen tekotaiteellisuus. Kuoret ovat komeat, mutta ainakin allekirjoittaneelle ne kumisevat tyhjyyttään. kollective&genere=&titolo=&tipo=accessori

Pilot (Man With The Meat...)

Ormai ho imparato a non avere troppe aspettative dai Thee Maldoror Kollective. Non che i dischi della band torinese siano brutti, tutt’altro, semplicemente se ti aspetti qualcosa loro fanno tutt’altro! Partiti come alfieri del black metal più intransigente, figlio della scuola scandinava dei Mayhem e dei Darkthrone, con quel “Ars Magika” che li fece conoscere nel 1998, già due anni dopo con “In Saturn Mystique” la loro proposta si contaminava con elementi electro noise, evoluzione portata a compimento con “New Era Viral Order”, un vero gioiellino di post black metal futuristico ed alieno. Da lì, il delirio! “A Clocwork Highway” del 2004 e il successivo album di remix mostrava una band in bilico tra elettronica pura e post core paranoico alla Neurosis. Il nuovo “Pilot – Man With The Meat Machine” rivolta nuovamente le carte in tavola proponendo una sintesi di suoni e rumori davvero indefinibile, e per quanti “post” possiate mettere davanti a qualunque genere difficilmente riuscirete a catalogare questo disco. Un’opera che si nutre di suggestioni mutuate dalle soundtrack di Morricone come da quelle del grande cinema di genere degli anni ’70, di elettronica e noise. Qua e là spruzzate di metallo ricordano le origini della band, ma sono pennellate all’interno di un dipinto complesso e schizoide. Impossibile però non riconoscere le atmosfere bathoryane, calate in uno scenario futuristico, del finale di “Exile”. Irresistibili gli inserti da orchestrina blues di “Microphone and Flies”, quanto le vibrazioni rock di “Zombie Children” e quelle desertiche di “Welcome To The Golden Dove Society”. “The Night Mr. Chlenchman Died” ha l’incedere indolente di certi Sisters Of Mercy, mentre la title track, suddivisa in tre parti, ingloba elementi jazz, noise e post rock. Il disco si conclude con “A Gasoline Hero”, altro episodio molto groovy, quasi una reinterpretazione in chiave sci-fi di certo stoner. Un disco poliedrico e complesso, ma allo stesso tempo trascinante e pieno di fascino per una formazione che non smette mai di stupire.

Autore: Michele Marinel

Twintig jaar geleden maakte de band Naked City furore in de underground scene van New York. Deze band onder leiding van saxofonist John Zorn maakte crossover muziek die enorm leunde op jazz, rock, maar ook ambient en meer. Ze waren enorm vooruitstrevend voor hun tijd, zelfs zo vooruitstrevend, dat ze vandaag de dag nog modern in de oren klinken. Tegenwoordig is crossover hip en stikt het van de bands die hetzelfde doen als Naked City twintig jaar terug. Thee Maldoror Kollective is een van die bands. Hoewel er natuurlijk iets andere stijlen van muziek gebruikt zijn, en het nog net iets moderner klinkt, doen zij zonder enige twijfel hetzelfde trucje als het eerdergenoemde Naked City, maar vertonen ook overeenkomsten met bands als Estradasphere en Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Hun album Pilot (Man With The Meat Machine) is dan ook een enorm afwisselend plaatje geworden.

Hoewel er veelal op metal en industrial wordt voortgeborduurd met zware gitaren en en een sterke ritmiek, horen we ook stukjes jazz terug die direct teruggrijpen naar de muziek van een al eerdergenoemde band, triphop en zelfs wat new wave. Over het algemeen zijn alle nummers even sterk, en loopt het album aan een stuk door. Echte uitschieters zijn er niet te vinden, tenzij je plotselinge stijlwisselingen als ankerpunten neemt, want dan springt het enige echt vocale nummer The Night Mr. Clenchman Died erg op. Meteen erg knap hoe ze daar de eerdergenoemde new wave in zowel muziek als zang hebben weten te verwerken met een enorm beklemmender sfeer.

Dit plaatje van ‘TMK’ is leuk, maar had wel iets origineler gekund. Het heeft nu wel erg veel weg van andere bands in het ‘genre’ waardoor het wat aan kracht verliest. Buiten dat is dit een leuk album voor iedereen die eens kennis wil maken met het fenomeen crossoverbands en is het vermakelijk voor de doorgewinterde luisteraar, want aan sfeer is er op dit schijfje geen gebrek, en daar gaat het toch uiteindelijk om.

1. Exile (In Serenity)
2. Microphones & Flies
3. Zombie Children Do Synthetic Dreams
4. Welcome To The Golden Dove Society!
5. The Night Mr. Clenchman Died
6. Pilot Part 1
7. Pilot Part 2
8. Pilot Part 3
9. A Gasoline Hero

Score: 80 / 100