To Talia

Hey Tal, you know Speggel personally, you're my hero ;)

;) :D

Nah, in all seriousness, if you stuck me in front of, say, Bruce or Rob(Dickinson and Halford), i might get a bit starstruck.

But when you drink with these idiots all the time(i say it in the best way :p), really, they seriously are no different. Im sure most of the folks here DO know that tho. And I know Thanatopsis is a cool guy.
spirit crusher said:
well if you must know, its simply obvious that Thanatopsis is a fan of Jari's work. Fan is the abbreviated form of fanatic, therefore the desire to meet suck someones cock greatly increases, sometimes it goes so far as to obsession *cough* lanterns *cough*. the end.

Sister Of Sorrow said:
what's so special to know *insert name of a band member here* ? they're just ordinary guys... :err:

I agree but just because I happen to know a lot of them as well. A few years ago I was definitely intimidated and excited to meet some of the musicians whom I only saw on booklets before, and I'm 100% you were the same too.

Things have just changed ever since and a lot of drinking and talking with them puts them in their places as normal human beings in our eyes :)
_Zsuzsa_ said:
I agree but just because I happen to know a lot of them as well. A few years ago I was definitely intimidated and excited to meet some of the musicians whom I only saw on booklets before, and I'm 100% you were the same too.

Things have just changed ever since and a lot of drinking and talking with them puts them in their places as normal human beings in our eyes :)

yeah true, a couple of years back it was the same with me; of corpse the first backstage pass was damn exciting heh ;). but the way i look at musicians in general has changed, even when i meet new people i'm not like OMG HE'S GOD anymore. for example, there's probably no guy i admire so much for his playing skills like kai hahto, but when i met him he was just a normal guy to me from the beginning on. so that's what i was trying to express :).
Understood you perfectly ;) Hm, I think I'd still have high fever and shaky legs if I'd meet with Kai Hansen tho :p

I remember this one Rock Bar night with full of rockers from Tuomas Holopainen through Pasi Koskinen to Henri Sorvali and the only thing that I'll never forget is how Talia went up to Jens Johansson as causally as if he'd be the single most ordinary dude around :lol: Oh the memories..