to the US-Guys! (this is not a anti-bush thread :D)

At last a German in this Forum! And what does he want here? He asks about Blind Guardian!!! :grin:
I know, you guys are in love with that band! Nine from the ten metal guys I see in Cologne are wearing Blind Guardian T-Shirt!
By the way I am a fan too! :D
enitharmon: this is really important for me :D normally i like nevermore way better than blind guardian:

ledmag: thank you! i looked at and ther was the release date of NIME "Original Release Date: February 9, 1999" and by TFTTW "Audio CD (May 11, 1999)"...i am confused now...who'S wrong?? i'm going insane!!!
I may not be right, but thats the order on the USA century Media page. ANd I got TFTTW As soon as it hit the store, then IFTOS, adn NIME. And SFB was just released, of this(SFB) im sure. My store may have been behind, but those first 3 I listed are the order the store got them, and I had to order the rest.
I'm a huge Blind Guardian fan, and I'm 100% certain that Nightfall was the first to be released domestically, and that Imaginations and Twilight saw US release on the same day a few months later. I don't know why CM would put out the back catalogue before the then-current NIME...