Today's Jones Beach show.


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
First off, Warrel said Hi to all of you.
Next, setlist:
Never Purify
Seven Tongues
Final Product
They were fucking killer. I got balls close, right on the stage.
Then ran over to Symphony X who also were fucking killer.
Then met up with the guys, Jim and Warrel gave me a poster and signed it, and Van, Steve, and Jeff also signed it.
They had the NM star shirt at the merch section, and Warrel told me they had it because of all the whining and bitching about it being hard to find on here. So everyone who whined and bitched with me, thanks!
Also, they are all looking forward to more Fruit of the Loomis type material for the next US tour (ex. Woom Broom Steve, Aunt Jemima Van, Captain Jim). :D

Ok lastly, Dream Theater and Megadeth both fucking owned, but something awesomly unexpected happened during DT's set.
During Portnoi's drum solo, FUCKING RICHARD CHRISTY comes out and solos with Portnoi on the second part of this drum set. He fucking tore it up with Portnoi, was amazing.

Killer fucking time.
sounds like an awesome show. thats cool too that they now have the nm star shirt for sale, too bad at the show i went to they only had 1 or 2 shirts.
i'm jealous! sounds like a great time!....well there any other rare shirt you would like for me to do for you then? :loco:
...or maybe i'll just send the shirt back to you with a surprise on it.
Glad you had such a good time :tickled:

I bought the NM baby-T and i love it! It didn't have the tour dates on the back like the male shirts did, but i understand that it's a lot to put on such a tiny shirt!!!!

Hopefully when the TGE merch comes out I can get another one. The $35 american was expensive, but since i know it's supporting the band I don't mind!
i got there just as they started playing 7 tongues. and remember when Warrel said it was pathetic that he could see the logo way back in the non-existant crowd? he was talking about me lol.
it was a great set but it kinda sucks because i had a bunch of people ask me when they were going on way after they had finished. one guy was like "so are Nevermore going on after Dream Theater?" when i said they went on about 3 hours ago he was uberly pissed. damn ticketmaster and their missprints. *shakes fist in rage*
metalskater7 said:
They had the NM star shirt at the merch section, and Warrel told me they had it because of all the whining and bitching about it being hard to find on here. So everyone who whined and bitched with me, thanks!

I want a hoodie of that when they come to Europe!

metalskater7 said:
Killer fucking time.

Great to hear!
;\ I was probably one of the people who asked about when Nevermore played! I am still pissed......anyway, almost forgot about Richard Christy...loved the fact that he had a Death shirt on, some people didn't know he played with them. o_O Dream Theater I thought was awesome but Megadeth, I don't know...their tone sucked balls and their performance most of the time was like, blah most of the time. Compared to all the other times I've seen them (like 8) I think this is the worst show they've put on... my friends even said the same thing. Maybe they were just tired..... yeah..... that's it. o.o It could of been also the fact that there was a guy two seats over that kept saying Dream Theater sucks etc etc (pissed me off) and was OVER reacting when Megadeth was on. Anywho..... I was amazed at the prices for shirts, I mean 35 dollars? WTF! I expected Megadeth shirts to go for 35, Dream Theater for 30 and the rest of the bands like 25 or someshit. I know about supporting the band but like 25 of it is probably going to the venue.....not worth it!