Tommy: Kamelot's videos 'Sacrimony' and 'My Confession' both on page 3)

^ "you" me? Or was that just a universal "you?" :lol: I, personally was expecting them to have Tommy sing lower than he does for SW, that was hardly a shock to me. So I pretty much expected what I got, in terms of Sacrimony, anyway.

I think the reason people are being funny about how similar/dissimilar he can be to Roy is because Kamelot specifically said they DIDN'T want a Roy clone when they were looking for a new guy. Now, Tommy is certainly not just some clone, dear god. :lol: But the similarities are still strong enough that some people are in a tizzy because they had gotten all set for a big shift and then got - the same freaking thing - after all that fuss... Others are annoyed because, yes, they were expecting him to sing more like he does in SW. But, that is just not Kamelot's sound, it never has been. And it certainly isn't the sound of The Black Halo, an album Thomas said Silverthorn will resemble in terms of overall mood/sound. So expecting to hear those belted high notes from Tommy on an album pegged as similar to one where we only got a few stray falsettos from Roy, who's comfort zone is much lower than where Tommy's seems to be, is silliness. I, personally, HATE high notes, so I like the more mellow range he used for Sacrimony. But then, that's part of why I always loved Kamelot so much - they never got too high, the highs were used to accent bits of a song (with the exception of DYC, but that song is beautiful beyond reproach.) rather than being shrieked the whole way through. Which isn't to say he seems shrill in SW or anything. It's odd, but somehow Tommy doesn't ever manage to annoy me when he sings (too) high, but still, I'd rather Kamelot remain primarily in the butter zone and leave the somehow-not-infuriating highs to SW, whom I trust handle them. I've been missing those low notes from back on WitW, so I'm very happy to see - err, hear - Tommy using some nice lower notes again. At the same time though, again, I'm glad it's with Kamelot and not SW. Somehow I really like SW more with the highs than with the lows, even though the notes themselves were lovely, I just like their sound more with Tommy singing high. So, quite frankly I'm feeling pretty perky about the whole thing. :tickled:
A few people seem to be saying, "oh he sounds too much like Khan" or "he doesn't sound like he does in Seventh Wonder" on youtube.

I have had a priviledge to hear whole new Kamelot-album, and I can say this: Yeah, Tommy sounds like Roy Sacrimony, but actually not a single one in rest of the songs. There's a tunes like "Torn" were Tommy sounds like very much of himself, and he has even made Kamelot sound like Seventh Wonder. :)

Anyway, new Kamelot-album has lot of great moments. Musically, its better than Poetry for the Poisoned, and because of T-man....well, this record is best Kamelot in years and great start for band with Tommy!
I have had a priviledge to hear whole new Kamelot-album, and I can say this: Yeah, Tommy sounds like Roy Sacrimony, but actually not a single one in rest of the songs. There's a tunes like "Torn" were Tommy sounds like very much of himself, and he has even made Kamelot sound like Seventh Wonder. :)

That sounds great. Certainly in the snippet of Song For Jolee it sounded like Tommy was giving a performance closer to his Seventh Wonder ones, a la Tears For A Father.

When I first found out Tommy was the new Kamelot singer I didn't think he sounded too similar to Roy Khan at all, so while I thought it was good (for Kamelot) that they'd got him that he'd be very different. Hearing Sacrimony though I realise he can sound very much like Roy Khan - and it makes sens that he does, singing vocal melodies and lyrics for a Kamelot type song, with Kamelot type music and backing vocals behind him and doing a lot of low register singing, where he sounds a lot more like Khan's low register singing. I don't think he was "trying to copy Roy Khan" at all - it's just that this type of singing was what fit the song. If Kamelot had released a single that was wildly different from their previous stuff, or if Tommy had deliberately done wildly different vocals on a song that called for vocals more like their previous stuff, there'd be a lot of fans saying Kamelot has changed too much.
I'm a fan of both Kamelot and SW, more so Kamelot though. I'm glad to hear Tommy keep the "Roy Khan" spirit on Sacrimony. But I would also like to hears some of his style from SW, but not too much though. I find SW's vocal lines to be a little too "wordy" for Kamelot's music. So we'll see when the rest of the album becomes available. I am liking Sacrimony very much. It reminds me of "Karma" and "Epica". Not that I don't like "Poetry for the Poisoned", I do miss the charm the music had on the albums "The Fourth Legacy" through "The Black Halo". Kamelot seem to have gotten a little jaded on the last 2 albums.
I'll reserve judgement until the full album comes out, but not overly impressed with Youngblood's new direction post-Black Halo. There are a couple of great tracks on each album, but nothing genre-defining like Karma through BH. Pretty happy with what Tommy is bringing to the table though, and I hope it really shines through on the album.
Here are the photos I took at NYC and Philly: Photos/?start=all

These are four of my favorites of Tommy:


I love the warm/cool color contrast in this one:

A bit of blur on his hand here, but still a good shot I think, his expression is nice:
^ I had a great time! :D Looking forward to Pittsburgh tomorrow, though I may have to overpay a cab to get there. :( And no, I don't think I did get your message. My page has been getting bombed by my friends' game requests lately :lol: so I miss all the actual messages.
^ THEY DID!! It was fucking awesome! :kickass: I think A Sailorman's Hymn might have finally been dethroned as my favorite Kamelot ballad. It sounds almost Seventh Wondery. :lol: It's absolutely beautiful! Tommy just oozed emotion, and they turned off those evil red lights that mess with my camera so I got some good shots of it too! :D All my Pittsburgh photos are uploaded now also, though they're not as good as the others due to those lights messing with things. Photos/?start=all
:( Also my hand was shaking badly because my sugar was rock bottom by the time Kamelot took the stage, :lol: sooo... I'm happy I got as many good ones as I did. Actually there are still plenty of the cruddy ones left in there, I still don't really feel all that well, so I just uploaded them all. Here are my four favorites for Tommy again:



There were no barricades! :yow: They were right on top of us at times! Thomas nearly whacked me with his guitar once when he leaned forward! :lol:
^ You're most welcome! :D I'm glad everyone likes them. It's odd, but concerts are almost more fun for me when I bring my camera and spend the whole time taking photos. :) There's something really special about standing there singing at the top of my voice and capturing the moment on film. Well, trying to anyway. I'm not going to lie, I had some harsh words for Tommy on more than one occasion at Pittsburgh alone! :lol: He'd crouch right in front of me, I'd line up what would be a perfect shot, and then - just as my camera focused and I pressed the button to get the shot - Tommy would stand up so quickly he damn near jumped up, and BOOM! One big blur. :bah: Once or twice, okay, but I swear he was just screwing with me after a while there. :lol: Grrrr...
Speaking of my rather ornery subject, there's a nice new interview with him here: If you haven't seen it yet.
'Sacrimony (Angel of Afterlife)', the first video from Kamelot's new album 'Silverthorn' has been released!

Check out Tommy's first official music video with Kamelot:
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Very nice! A little weird, but I guess that's the way they meant it.
I stoked to hear the new album, must sound great!

Still, I'm a Seventh Wonder believer to the bone, which didn't change when Tommy got the job with Kamelot. 1 down side; Seventh Wonder gigs might actually be packed from now on. No more afterparty drinking with SW and the fans. Except for you Kazar ;)
I have to admit i downloaded the leaked Kamelot album. I just could not wait any longer.
I just pre-ordered the album from iTunes to make up for my thievery. Anyone else that could not resist the leak?
There are not many albums I would buy on iTunes because I am an Spotify exclusively listener. If it doesn't exist on Spotify it doesn't exist.
But for Tommy...sure...

So...The new album is very good and Tommy fits Kamlot excellent.
I actually started listening to Kamelot first after Tommy officially joined and now I am almost up in 2000 plays on Kamelot is already my most played band ever!, followed by Seventh Wonder and Circus Maximus.

I really hope the new Kamelot-album gets availiable on Spotify so I can share with friends. I am a Kamelot and Seventh Wonder evangelist you see :-)
Really look forward to a new Seventh Wonder album next year. :-)
I would never download music because I know how much it hurts the artists and how much they dislike it. Also waiting is part of the whole fun. Like christmas, you know? The anticlimax of opening presents early is way too depressing once it's done. :p

Anyway - tomorrow is the big day! I hopefully will recieve my Limited Edition Box with the 2 CDs and the book about the story of Jolee. CANNOT WAIT to dive into the story! :D
People feel differently about these things. Obviously for me/us the key is that the purchase is made, and not voided if you happen to dislike what you heard when you downloaded it. But to each his own.

The one thing though that we try to enforce here on the board is that we do not allow open discussions on leaked albums before official release date. For sacrimony it is another thing of course since it is already released.

Thanks for respecting this and for keep supporting the bands!