Tommy: Kamelot's videos 'Sacrimony' and 'My Confession' both on page 3)

Roy was as menacing as a box of kittens

I'd love to see Roy's reaction to being told this.

I hear what you're saying about Tommy's acting, though I thought he did a pretty good job of fitting into a persona he's clearly not used to. The biggest problem seems to be that each line of the song seems to have its own designated action, rather than having a natural flow. I don't think the constant camera cuts help as Tommy never has enough constant screen time to get into any sort of flow (which would absolve him a little of the artificial actions).

Having said that, this is my favourite Kamelot video so far and I think Kamelot are lucky to have been able to replace one of the best vocalists in the world with one of the best vocalists in the world.
I hear what you're saying about Tommy's acting, though I thought he did a pretty good job of fitting into a persona he's clearly not used to.
He did, but it shouldn't be so clear that he's not used to it. :loco:

You're right about the camera cuts and the cheesy motions. You can't act out every line of a song while singing without it looking silly, so that definitely adds to the issue.

...And I think Roy's reaction would be:
I don't agree with you at all. I don't know Tommy personally but somehow, after watching numerous of videos and reading interviews, I've discovered that his personality is very much like mine. Shy and respectful towards other people but very passionate about his interests, and I think it's exactly this passion that shines through in this video. So to me it makes nothing but sense.

Acting wise I do not know, I'm no expert at it, but it doesn't really matter if the acting is good or bad. This is not a play or a movie.

I totally agree with your point of view.

I think the video turned out amazing, I really love watching and re-watching it. And I have to say I don't think Tommy comes acrosss forced at all (escpially after I've seen the video a couple of times). He had told me he had to get used to all of it at the beginning when I interviewed him, but that he was very happy and proud about the result. And I think he has every right to be proud of it. We all know that the director loves the huge (and many gestures) and I guess that's not everybody's cup of tea, but I don't think anything in the video feels forced.

I remember "The Human Stain" vividly... that was borderline uncomforatble/wooden and while I love the song, the video is almost unwatchable for me. ;)

Bottom line is - don't be so harsh in critizising - it is a video and not an oscar movie. Most music videos are much simpler and boring. I find it really sad how a wonderful product can get discussed into the ground. :(
^ I'm not discussing it into the ground. :P Critical fans care too.

Without criticism where is the drive to improve? If I just condescendingly patted Tommy on the head and told him it was perfect, then why would he feel any need to improve? It's not an Oscar movie, that's true, (actually, that video was better than most recent Oscar winners. :lol: ) but why not strive for that anyway? Why not reach for the sky even if you know you'll never touch it? Why stop at "meh, good enough."?