Toneport UX2 Metalz! *3 tones to check out/pick*


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US

New sample! Better sounding, more mixing goodness:::

Will give details after a few people pick what they like better!

1st link is new tone I'm considering

2nd is my old tone I've been using

3rd is a mix of both.

Creative criticism wanted! Thanks!

How do you get THAT tone out of the toneport? :OMG:

I've got a Schecter Demon with active Pickups, Toneport + Metal pack, but wasn't able to create such a fat sound. At least not unprocessed.

Would you mind to share your presets?

P.S. I like the new one most. That's the only of the three sound, which doesn't completely sound like Pod
Hah! Glad you like it!

For the new one, I used my own homemade preset with POD Farm, here's the link for it

Dual-toned that, Treadplate + AC30 (secret to the twangy punch of the tone ;))

As for VST's/etc, I used REAPER to record it, used 5 tracks, panning is 100 L 100 R 80 L 80 R 100 Center, for an EQ I used Waves LinEQ Broadband (Comes with Mercury bundle), here's the screenshot for the EQ..


Only other VST I used is the Sonic Maximizer with the Mastering preset. Chain is EQ>Sonic Maximizer.

Personally I think the tone could use a little more clarity, going to be messing with it for sure!

darn i could never pull a tone like that out of my toneport - always sounds like there is too much gain but when i roll off on the gain it sounds like a blues track
Man this distortion rocks. I own UX1 and for almost 2 months I'm trying to get an open realistic guitar sound, but always ending up gettin some synthetic stuff.
Got a question, on the l6t file, you got the same EQ in the Line6 effect loop.
The screenshot above is an example of that eq setup, or that's the eq of the final mix?
BBE Maximizer? gotta love it, just 10% usage and you can tell it sounds better.
I keep trying other impulses with revalver and got to say that maybe it's better than line6.
Hey, yer in my neck of the woods, I'm in Anoka cty too and use Line 6 with reaper on occasion.
What did you use for a DAW? These are cool patches, I have not used PodFarm yet so these will get me started.

I would have thought this was the Pball Angel before I seen you using the treadplate...but ya, it sounds recto.
Hey, yer in my neck of the woods, I'm in Anoka cty too and use Line 6 with reaper on occasion.
What did you use for a DAW? These are cool patches, I have not used PodFarm yet so these will get me started.

I would have thought this was the Pball Angel before I seen you using the treadplate...but ya, it sounds recto.

I use Reaper/POD Farm/Toneport UX2 bud, and nice, I'm actually looking for a decent metal band around, let me know if you want to start something, or know if anybody does! Oh, and thanks man, I worked quite a bit on these patches, had the crazy idea if I Dual-Toned a Treadplate with an AC30 it'd give it that metal fuckin' twang that I LOVE :D
awesome im going to try and recreate something simular tonight myself,.