Tool fans NEED this album.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

It's as essential as anything else in their catalogue, a selection of Tool songs played using only violin, viola, cello, and double bass.

That is all.
No, I picked it up a few years ago, it came out right before Lateralus. It was difficult to find then, but has a bunch of copies. GET IT YOU WILL GO GAGAGAGAGAY OVER IT.

The Grudge
The Patient
Ticks and Leeches

EDIT: Yes, BEFORE Lateralus, and covers a few songs from that album, so obviously they were in good with the band.

EDIT TAKE 2: After Lateralus, I am not smart today. I think it was recorded before Lateralus came out though. I think.
Ive seen it a bunch of times before at Sam Goody and Borders but it was never a High priority for me. Maybe I shall pick it up next time if its not to expensive.
i'd say its a well done album, and they do a fantastic job with the rearrangements... but i can't listen to it.. The reason being I will be listening to it, then lose track of what I'm listening to. I'll start relaxing to the soothing sounds of the string quartet, and then SUDDENLY AN OH SO FAMILIAR TOOL MELODY WILL RETURN, and it freaks me out man...

I'm pretty sure they put out a second album recently? (or maybe not so recently) with supposedly some original songs or two of their own on it.. no idea how that is.
Profånity said:
Is it easily available?
I've rarely seen it in stores, but has a whole bunch for sale.
Chromatose said:
i'd say its a well done album, and they do a fantastic job with the rearrangements... but i can't listen to it.. The reason being I will be listening to it, then lose track of what I'm listening to. I'll start relaxing to the soothing sounds of the string quartet, and then SUDDENLY AN OH SO FAMILIAR TOOL MELODY WILL RETURN, and it freaks me out man...
Hehehe... nice. I don't know if they have another album out, wouldn't be surprised though. Just checked, they have string tributes to Evanescence and Matchbox 20 as well. :ill: Huh, a lot more too, including Radiohead. That one might be interesting...

Nice Kyuss reference by the way. :kickass: