Tool-like band I recorded, wagner+juicy 77


Old newbie
Hi guys, I would like some feedback on the mix of two songs I recorded for a band's first demo. The drums were (very badly) recorded elsewhere but I replaced all the sounds with samples you will all recognize ;) For the guitars I used Wagner sharp (left channel) and juicy 77, both going into guitar hack impulses (loaded with boogex)

The band, HumaNoID, has never recorded before, and the drum performance is far from being perfect... They have some Tool/APC influences, which are more obvious in the first song :

Any comments are welcome !
Sounds good man. It's too bad the drums weren't recorded well, this band would be nice with a little more natural drum sound. Also, maybe you don't need as much distortion as you have on the guits on Wake Up, cause the highs are pretty fizzy, but there's nothing wrong with what you have. Just something to think about.

Nice job.
I'm not too familiar with the style this band is going for, but considering all things, I think it sounds pretty good. You did a good job with what you had to work with. Not that the guys were bad, but the drummer could definitely be tighter, and the singer needs more confidence in his singing. The only thing mix wise that bothers me just a little is that bass. I like it's sound, but it gets just a tad boomy (wow...didn't intend on making a Tad -Boooooom joke here :lol:) at times. But, if that's what they want, then that's what they want.

Over all...good job mate! Now I'm waiting to here the rest of YOUR band's songs. ;)