
1. I live in my parents house.
2. I don't listen to country music.

Why does it matter that he's in his 40's... because he's still a shitty guitarist after all the years. I'll probably be professional at 25. You know how many really good guitarists are never going to have a band signed to metalblade especially for a big contract like that stupid band. That's the point

I'm not being a dickhead.
probably not undertow, that album old and not great at all. Their new one is very mathematical. Download the song lateralus and voila, you have a fibbonacci based song. It doesn't really make much of a difference though, mathamatical music usually sounds like regular music.
The Greys said:
1. I live in my parents house.
2. I don't listen to country music.

Why does it matter that he's in his 40's... because he's still a shitty guitarist after all the years. I'll probably be professional at 25.
You know how many really good guitarists are never going to have a band signed to metalblade
especially for a big contract like that stupid band. That's the point

I'm not being a dickhead.

1) It doesn't.

2) Yeah?

3) Lots ?

4) I'm fairly sure they aren't Millionaires!