

giant slab of flesh
Nov 19, 2002
B/CS, Texas, U.S.A.
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Why is it that everyone praises Tool so much? I happen to like them, they'd probably be in the 12-15 range on my favorite bands, but people talk about them like they're the second coming or something. I was reading some old Lateralus reviews, and the dudes are all "every song on here blows other music away completely, this is the best recording EVER!" There are about 5 good songs on the CD. Actually, there's not really more than 5 songs on there. It's a handful of songs, and then about a half-dozen tracks that are weird little electronic noises and shit. I can understand trying to set moods for the album or song or whatever, but what kind of mood does strange beeps and popping noises create? For me, it gives me a pissed-off mood, that I spent $14 on a disc that markets itself on the back cover as having 13 (or 12?, can't recall right now) songs, and then turns out to have about 30 minutes of actual music. Aggravating. Like I said, most of their actual "songs" are good, but nothing really ground-breaking or interesting. Mostly basic hard-rock music, to these ears at least. I'm basically enraged whenever anyone compares them to Opeth, saying how original they are and everything. I'm failing to make the connection there. Maybe it's just me, who knows.

By the way, about 2 days till my copy of Deliverance arrives :headbang: - been getting by on the first 5 gems for about the last month or so!
Originally posted by TheBigJones47
Why is it that everyone praises Tool so much? I happen to like them, they'd probably be in the 12-15 range on my favorite bands, but people talk about them like they're the second coming or something. I was reading some old Lateralus reviews, and the dudes are all "every song on here blows other music away completely, this is the best recording EVER!" There are about 5 good songs on the CD. Actually, there's not really more than 5 songs on there. It's a handful of songs, and then about a half-dozen tracks that are weird little electronic noises and shit. I can understand trying to set moods for the album or song or whatever, but what kind of mood does strange beeps and popping noises create? For me, it gives me a pissed-off mood, that I spent $14 on a disc that markets itself on the back cover as having 13 (or 12?, can't recall right now) songs, and then turns out to have about 30 minutes of actual music. Aggravating. Like I said, most of their actual "songs" are good, but nothing really ground-breaking or interesting. Mostly basic hard-rock music, to these ears at least. I'm basically enraged whenever anyone compares them to Opeth, saying how original they are and everything. I'm failing to make the connection there. Maybe it's just me, who knows.

By the way, about 2 days till my copy of Deliverance arrives :headbang: - been getting by on the first 5 gems for about the last month or so!

Well, you are exaggerating a little, but I feel your pain. I thought Lateralus was a pretty great Tool cd. But that's what it is. A Tool CD. It's better than anything on the radio (what do they play on the radio these days, do they still play Creed 80% of the time?)...Tool has it's worshippers, but so does Morningrise. We have to take the bad with the good, as well as the crazies.
Originally posted by Mr. Niel
Tool has it's worshippers, but so does Morningrise. We have to take the bad with the good, as well as the crazies.

I s'pose you're right, but it just seems a little more understandable to me for people to go berserk over Opeth - they're doing something interesting, and doing it better than anyone else could imagine. Tool seems marginal in most aspects. But, I guess my disdain for Tool fans' opinions is what makes their words opinions.

haha, by the way, I'm not exaggerating too much, if you search for some Lateralus reviews, there is some grade-A hoovering on the proverbial "tool". If you get my meaning. If I'm not insane. Who are the men with the white coats.......?
Off the top of my head, tracks 2 and 4 would not be considered actual songs by your definition (and I'm not too sure I disagree with you either), but I love those two, short tracks: they just got a fucking awesome and mysterious sound to them.

I may not admire Tool as much as others do, but I put them up near the very top of my list for originality... in no way do I think Lateralus replicates Aenemia (sp?). I also have a high respect for their technicality and precision, and placing that in conjunction with their originality makes for fan-fuckin-tastic music IMO.
yes, actually all the even numbers through 6. when i listen to lateralus, i have to start off 1, 3, 5, 7. pain in the neck. and like i said, i just don't see the originality at work there. sounds like average hard rock, with a few occasional weird noises (and a pretty awesome vocalist, i like maynard's voice alot).
um... the only throwaways are #2 eon blue apocalypse, #4 mantra, and if it doesn't really grab ya fancy, the drum solo + weird rant at the end of the cd

i love #2 anyway... one of the first things i did when i started playing gutiar was get that thing nailed ;P it sounds great.

the rest of the cd is brilliant, and i think they've come leaps and bounds since Aenima.

personally i don't find maynards vocal skills all that brilliant, but he does the job very well, and with the simplistic riffing and technique adam jones displays aside, i find some of the stuff he does to be extremely creative, although untrained.

but he summarises my opinion on guitaring, expression, not technicality.

plus danny carey is one of the most talented drummers in rock today
My sentiments exactly, I think they are fantastic band, but they arent like the fucking second comming or anything. I like Aenima aloy, Undertoww alot, and 4 songs off of Lateralus alot. I know first hand how obsessive Tool fans are, they will find any possible way to argue, fight, and try to convince you that Tool is the greatest band on the planet, and the only band that matters nowadays. I just point and laugh. Great band, over zealous fan base, that ALMOST puts me off to the music.
Aenima was a really good cd one of my top 20 cd's of all time.
Undertow i liked a couple of songs off and same with lateralus. When their good they are very, very.....very good (aenima (the song) H, 46 & 2, schicm) when they are bad they are boring (the wierd pointless noise bits, a few of their longer songs are about 50% longer than they need to be.)
Opeth has long songs but they seem like they are short beause they keep you interested the whole time, tool just drag on to much for me in their long songs and make me think when is this going to end.
Originally posted by TheBigJones47
Actually, there's not really more than 5 songs on there. It's a handful of songs, and then about a half-dozen tracks that are weird little electronic noises and shit. ...turns out to have about 30 minutes of actual music.

That doesn't make any sense. Let's see....if the disc is 13 tracks long, and 3 of them (4 if you count Parabol) are short, mostly instrumental, that still leaves 9 or 10 actual songs on the disc. 30 minutes of actual music?! The fuckin disc is 80 minutes long! and only about 8 of that is from the 3 (4) short tracks. That leaves 76-77 minutes of music! Either you are totally exaggerating, or you are an idiot. Personally, I think "Lateralus" is one of the finest albums ever. In fact, I'd take it over ANY Opeth album, hands down.
I'm an insane Opeth fan and I don't think I'm above other people just because I like Opeth.

It depends. Some people think like that some don't, whether they like Tool or Opeth.
Criminey, not another one...

Tool is one of those bands where not everyone likes them, but the people who do like them REALLY like them. There's something about their music that just 'clicks' with certain people. No use explaining it. There are plenty of people out there who think Opeth is garbage. Welcome to the wonderful world of opinions.