
yeah thats right..
you shouldn't judge upon a band only by your personal opinion and likes... just sucks sayin 'tool is shit cuz i don't like em'. thats overrating oneself, so you place yourself in the same line with all the stupid toolfans (however some people are really nice... not much no.. ). well my dear flamers don't ya think it is cool placin yourself on the same low level with toolfans?

yep i fuckin connect tool to opeth and to pink floyd, the 3 bands made click here.
hey try going into a tool forum and ask the people what they think about opeth. you'll get mostly the same answers you give off about tool.
and try studying time signatures and guitar riffing on lateralus, then you won't say the band just plays average hard rock..
I agree with the original post..I preferred Aenima as that CD grew on me..Lateralus semed boring and generic..I replaced Tool with some Doom bands like MDB,Mauldlin Of The Well, Amorphis,Opeth,Procession Of Mourning,Anethema, Katonia and other bands Dillenger Escape Plan, Cryptopsy, Yakuza, Cephalic Carnage as these bands are either more atmospheric,emotional or technical and brutal..I just lost interest in Tool and expanded my muiscal interests..I suggest that others do the same...I enjoyed Aenima as that CD grew on me and became a classic but so many bands are generic imatators of Tool (and they don't have the talent) that it's annoying..I found that on Lateralus Tool were becoming generic (just my opinion) and every other band wants to sound like them..Found more interesting music in the underground as Opeth seem miles ahead of Tool and are more progressive and more, well death metal..I feel that Tool are good musicians but overrated, as other bands are more brutal, technical, emotional and atmospheric..Hails..-l-
ok... more brutal doesn't always mean more talent... i hate when people use the brutal argument to say a band is better and more talented... it's that kind of opinion that doesn't really base talent of musicians on real talent.
ok tool are amazing, and opeth are amazing as well. thats the bottom line...lateralus is a great piece of work, it takes a while to sink in for some people, but just like an opeth album always grows on you majorly, whoever called it average rock needs to re-educate favorite cd of theirs is aenima but lateralus is 2nd by a hair and is an evolvement for them, just like their next cd will be
and what do you lateralus haters think about when you see that two members of opeth hold that album in very high regard...with one calling it the best album ever....
to the guy who said I'm either an idiot or exaggerating about 30 minutes of music, healthy handfuls of both are in place. to the guy who said if i studied guitar-timing-technical-stuff-ackhem-flackhem-bla-bla, then i wouldn't say it's just average hard rock, you're wrong. if i knew every single damned thing there was to know about playing guitar, their music would still sound very average to me. i look at music from the standpoint it was created to by looked at from - how it SOUNDS. that's why it is MUSIC. it SOUNDS average to me. i don't really care if the guys played it with a McGyver-conceived guitar made of a cakepan, two paperclips and a string of tin-foil that's ultra-difficult to play. it doesn't sound great to me, so it's average. and to the several people who have mentioned that Opeth have mentioned tool as one of their favorite bands, that's great. but i don't see what that has to do with making me appreciate tool's music. if a band i like says they really enjoy sex with farm animals, i don't have to approve of that, do i?
Originally posted by transfixed
What Tool songs are too long? I don't get it when people say some of their songs are longer than the should be... I wish most of their songs were longer actually :D

Personally, I think track 1 on Lateralus is too long. I also think if they put 2 and 3 together, extended it even longer, it probably one of my favorite songs heh heh...

BTW, I like Tool, but I don't love 'em. Far from it actually. I just listen to them occasionally.
Originally posted by thirdeye
and what do you lateralus haters think about when you see that two members of opeth hold that album in very high regard...with one calling it the best album ever....

its still just an opinion

btw.. i dont think anyone here is a hater. i think they are putting their point across in an intelligent manner.
and what do you lateralus haters think about when you see that two members of opeth hold that album in very high regard...with one calling it the best album ever....

1) I don't hate Lateralus, I just didn't like paying for Aenima twice.

2) I don't care if Satan himself said Lateralus is to be worshipped, my opinion is my own.
I'm not a huge Tool fan, but I've seen them twice in concert over the past two months, and they are definately a cut above most of those bands that get regular radio play
A God in my own mind

Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Atlanta and Chicago
Posts: 429
ok... more brutal doesn't always mean more talent... i hate when people use the brutal
argument to say a band is better and more talented... it's that kind of opinion that
doesn't really base talent of musicians on real talent.
To answer your question Flo Mornier is just as good and just as thechnical of a drmmer than Tool's drummer..Eccept the two drummers play different styles of "metal"..Mike Arkenfledt is just as good if not a more diverse vocalist than James Maynard..Arkenfledt's clean vocals are heavenly and his death vocals are brutal right? Dillenger Escape Plan, Yakuza, Cephalic Carnage, Origin, Death, Atheist are more technical metal bands(mixing brutality with technicality is difficult..) Opeth, old Amorphis, MDB and some other doom bands elicit a more melancholy emotional effect, not always felt (by me) in Tool's music..See what I'm saying (and this is just my opinion as Tool's music) doesn't always do that for me..Hails..-l-
Akerfelts voice is more diverse definately.. sweetest of singing to the most brutual of growling.

Maynard does what he does well... no one can deny that.... but it is limited in its diversity.

this doesnt tell us who the better singer is of course. its just one aspect of their abilities. It just comes down to personal preference.

as kristoffer gildenlow says "there is no best... only different"
i cannot even fathom how miserable my world would be if Lateralus were my favorite album of all time. i would undoubtably end up sucking a shotgun barrel to end it all.

okay, maybe i exaggerated a bit, again, but this is what i was talking about to begin with. it is absolutely beyond me how someone could listen to an album like Lateralus and come away from it saying "this is the best ever!". it's unbelievable to me.
I tried, at one time, to write a review of Lateralus. From a strictly listening standpoint, it's a great album. From a reviewer's standpoint, Ænima is better, but Lateralus is still primarily good. Disposition and Reflection, in my not-so humble opinion, are both quite boring and repetitive.

HOWEVER, I saw Tool when they were up here on 30 September. They played the whole of Disposition/Reflection/Triad (Triad = :headbang: BTW), and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole piece. For some reason it was many magnitudes of 10 better and heavier live than on the album. Amazing stuff!!
I love Tool, so I'm slightly biased:). Lateralus is a brilliant peice of work, an utter masterpeice, IMO. One of my favorite albums. Yes, Tool has an overzealous fanbase, but not all fans are like. I'm evidence... :D :p
Originally posted by GoufCustom
Lateralus is a brilliant peice of work, an utter masterpeice, IMO. One of my favorite albums.

Once again, I'm speechless. Or actually I guess I'm not, since I always respond to things like this. But you know what I mean. Or do you? Have you come to steal my magic bag?
I think most people start these kinds of 'why do people like Tool so much' threads cos they are frustrated by the fact that they cannot grasp the music. If you don't understand Tool's music, than go and listen to some 2 dimensional metal for simpletons, bang your head and growl all you like.

Lateralus is a completely different album to Aenima. What people here seem to be showing everyone is that they have absolutley no idea what they're talking about.

Tool are about more than show-casing fancy guitar solos. The song and the music itself is the priority. To me, the music they create transends any kind of traditional approach, and is beyond what most bands today are capable of.

Tool versus Opeth has already been done to death on this forum, so get over it.