Toontrack Metal Month 2013 - Trailer


Feb 18, 2008

"new" drumsounds, more new drumsounds...

I hope it's a new SDX and not just a few EZ. If not, I will swap to BFD3

same thoughts here. SD3 would be awesome but a new SDX would be pleasing also. one kit that sounds like a kit, without any fancy useless stuff, like 50 snare mics and 50 snares that all sound weak and dull.

BFD3 looks like real pain in the ass to work with, the GUI
reminds me of a VSTi synth and not a drum vsti :/
in other words, it looks complicated, i'm eagerly awaiting the demo to prove myself wrong though :)

i was also thinking about buying it blind but i'm not sure what to do
if i don't like it. i remember when i sold my BFD 2, i had to pay this
giant fee for the license transfer, is this still a current matter?
The Metal Foundry shots lead me to guess there might be a Metal Foudry SDX in the future. Possibly one that doesn't suck? ;) Just a guess.

PLEASE NO MORE EZX BULLSHIT!!! A true Andy Sneap SDX woulld be the end all be all for me I think.

SD3 would be really, really cool too!
Still waiting for a bass library here.. Couldn't care less about new drum sounds unless Jens Bogren is involved, in that case I believe I can close an eye or three. More Ezmix 2 presets? No thx
ok, so far we have...

Soilwork EZX, Soilwork SD2 presets, Soilwork MIDI pack, Soilwork EZ MIX presets :D