Toontrack Metal Month 2013 - Trailer

MM is WAY better. Rock Solid is legitimately horrible. I find it utterly unusable - it sounds like an OK recorded kit with his one-shot samples thrown in to the mix, but worse. I don't know how to explain it besides awful.
Yes but this one will be totally new from the ground?:confused: I sincerely hope so.
Im not a preset guy but Sneap ezmix made me curious... All the products with his name are superb...

Just wanted to clear up that I wasn't bashing on you, I was just joking about all the people that get so passionate one way or another about EZ Mix stuff, and was surprised nobody but you had brought up this particular EZ Mix pack. Personally I like EZ Mix a lot (I have 2 or 3 of the add ons as well) and use it when I'm doing a quick mix that I want to live with for a few days before I make any final decisions to give the person that will actually do the final mixing.

I agree that whatever he does is usually top notch and I will probably pick this up without even thinking twice. Hopefully it comes out at the beginning of the month and not the last week.
meh, no fun yet, looking really forward the EZX Metal expansion, seems a much more "metal" month this year then last one

Can see the ezx being remixed versions of existing products like that last EZX.....could be wrong of course.

Can imagine the staub sdx will be good, bound to be a great kit/drummer/studio/room etc and the midi will be nice too. Having said that the metal foundry was a bit of a let down IMO.