Top 10 all-time favourite movies

Terminator 2
Star Wars 5
Godfather 2
The Dark Knight
The Departed
Matrix 2
Harry Potter 4
Back to the Future 2
Indiana Jones 3
Home Alone 2
Sin City

yeah i have 15, fuck you
I refuse to play Lucas' little number game, if 4, 5 and 6 came out before 1, 2 and 3 then they aren't fucking 4, 5 and 6.
Fuck that wanker.
I cant even imagine why anyone would compare that series to TWBB. Apples to oranges bro.

Yeah gonna have to agree here. There is nothing likable about Daniel Day-Lewis's character (other than killing Paul Dano). In The Man with No Name trilogy you always end up rooting for Blondie (or maybe Tuco in TGTBATW). Not to mention that the music and whole visual aesthetic is completely different
This is the kind of list that changes on a daily basis for me, but fuck it. No particular order.

2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick)
Mulholland Dr. (Lynch)
In the Mood for Love (Kar-wai)
Do the Right Thing (Lee)
Synecdoche, New York (Kaufman)
Band of Outsiders (Godard)
Taste of Cherry (Kiarostami)
The Tree of Life (Malick)
Minnie and Moskowitz/A Woman Under the Influence (Cassevetes; fuck you, I don't want to pick one or the other)
Scenes from a Marriage (5-hour TV Version, Bergman)
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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek: Generations
Star Trek: First Contact
Trailer Park Boys: The Big Dirty
Kung Fury
Fight Club
Pulp Fiction

Honorable mentions:
The Lord of the Rings: All three.
Trailer Park Boys: Don't Legalize It
pretentious douche list:

The Human Condition
The Cremator
Woman in the Dunes
Throne of Blood
Sunset Blvd.
A Woman Under the Influence

drinking beers and enjoy:
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Exorcist
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Thing
For a Few Dollars More
Pulp Fiction
Day of the Dead
Dead Alive
Changes too much. Everyone else has pretty solid lists, I dig a lot of horror and western.

So instead, top ten movies I've seen released the last five years cherry picked from a list in no order:

Kung Fury
Django Unchained
The Lego Movie
Life of Pi
Wolf of Wall street
The three tolkien movies
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
pretentious douche list:
:lol: Probably what most will think of my entire list:

Lost Highway (David Lynch, 1997)
Crash (David Cronenberg, 1996)
Flesh and Bone (Steve Kloves, 1993)
Shadow of a Doubt (Alfred Hitchcock, 1943)
Eugenie... the Story of Her Journey into Perversion (Jess Franco, 1969)
Love Rites (Walerian Borowczyk, 1987)
The Addiction (Abel Ferrara, 1995)
Szamanka (Andrzej Zulawski, 1996)
Bug (William Friedkin, 2006)
The Iron Rose (Jean Rollin, 1973)
Bug? wow really? Im just curious how thats even an option for you, you being a film guy and all
Bug really knocked me sideways. Friedkin's mastery of the limited setting (it really didn't hit me until after I first watched it that the camera hardy leads the motel room), the manic performances of Judd and Shannon ("I AM THE SUPER MOTHER BUG!", the overall sense of paranoia and insanity and its dark sense of humor. Clearly not a film for everyone but it works for me.
Yea that movie Bugged :D me out. I actually like it and people give me shit about it lol. What's your interpretation of the end? I guess PM me or SPOILER it if you want
The Breakfast Club
IP Man
The Matrix
Pan's Labyrinth
Saving Private Ryan
Empire Strikes Back
13 Assassins
Pulp Fiction

Also: Princess Bride, IP Man 2, Goodfellas, The Godfather, Raising Arizona, Let The Right One In, LOTR Trilogy, Whiplash, No Country For Old Men, Fearless, Gladiator, Heat, Big Lebowski, Brotherhood of the Wolf
Yeah gonna have to agree here. There is nothing likable about Daniel Day-Lewis's character (other than killing Paul Dano). In The Man with No Name trilogy you always end up rooting for Blondie (or maybe Tuco in TGTBATW). Not to mention that the music and whole visual aesthetic is completely different

i've always felt that TWBB is more a descendent of CITIZEN KANE than anything. i wrote a long thing about this once but i think it's lost.

So instead, top ten movies I've seen released the last five years cherry picked from a list in no order:

certified copy
a field in england
the grand budapest hotel
inherent vice
inside llewyn davis
this is not a film
tree of life


Lost Highway (David Lynch, 1997)
Crash (David Cronenberg, 1996)
Flesh and Bone (Steve Kloves, 1993)
Shadow of a Doubt (Alfred Hitchcock, 1943)
Eugenie... the Story of Her Journey into Perversion (Jess Franco, 1969)
Love Rites (Walerian Borowczyk, 1987)
The Addiction (Abel Ferrara, 1995)
Szamanka (Andrzej Zulawski, 1996)
Bug (William Friedkin, 2006)
The Iron Rose (Jean Rollin, 1973)

i don't find this list pretentious at all, it's pretty pulpy and badass. and i desperately need to see a whole bunch of 'em. i have no idea what that FLESH AND BONE thing even is.

and this surprised me from you too. I mean it's a good movie but a fav? heh what do I know..

thing just crushes me. i don't think i've ever seen such an overwhelmingly, unexpectedly dark and bittersweet ending, and i adore the way the themes are visualised and the whole aesthetic and everything. it's very me *shrug*
i have no idea what that FLESH AND BONE thing even is.
Compared to the other films on my list it probably sticks out like a sore thumb being a major studio (Paramount) production with a mega star cast, Dennis Quaid, Meg Ryan, James Caan and Gwyneth Paltrow. Its one of the most underrated and underseen films from the 90's for some odd reason.

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