Top 10 all-time favourite movies

A Prophet
Enter the Void
3:10 to Yuma
No Country for Old Men
Spirited Away
Rec 1 and 2
The Exorcist
I think you should switch these with Munich, The Proposition and Children of Men :cool:

No Country could replace Munich; I guess I was just in a mood...

But I actually think I enjoy The Proposition more than Fargo, and there's no way I'll take Children of Men off my list. I love that movie.

I am a bit shocked that I neglected 2001: A Space Odyssey. That would probably knock The Proposition off.
Not really much of a fan of movies anymore. So hard to sit for 2-3 hours passively watching a screen. Here's ten off the top of my head in no order:

Where Eagles Dare
Shawshank Redemption
Gangs of New York
Objective Burma
My Favorite Brunette
The Sea Hawk
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The LoTR trilogy (it is basically one ~9 hour movie)
Heavy Metal
Blazing Saddles
The Princess Bride
The Warriors
The Departed
Young Frankenstein
The Crow
Reservoir Dogs
The Wicker Man

...or something. I thought of a lot of other movies that I liked after I typed those.
There Will Be Blood
The Deer Hunter
Saving Private Ryan
Remember The Titans
Valhalla Rising

(hn mnt- Dumb n Dumber / Little Miss Sunshine)
I think I should've included The Dark Knight in my list. Joker in that movie is one of my top movie characters of all time.
The Garbage Pail Kids Movie
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
Monster a-Go Go
Leonard Part 6
Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny
Manos: The Hands of Fate
Plan 9 From Outer Space
They Saved Hitler's Brain
The Room
I'm pretty astonished that no one has mentioned Seven so far. Or maybe I didn't see it mentioned.

Because Brad Pitt spoiled the ending with awful acting. Talk about the most anticlimactic supposed to be dramatic scene ever.

Also I really need to watch No Country for Old Men... The movie is so quiet I always fall asleep :( will have to do some thinking on making a list and get back to this later
I can't believe people actually put Mulholland Drive in a top list. The movie is basically a jumble of excerpts and stories put together just to confuse people and itself. Such an overhyped movie.
I can't believe people actually put Mulholland Drive in a top list. The movie is basically a jumble of excerpts and stories put together just to confuse people and itself. Such an overhyped movie.

You're an inanimate fucking object!
I can't believe people actually put Mulholland Drive in a top list. The movie is basically a jumble of excerpts and stories put together just to confuse people and itself. Such an overhyped movie.

Everything I've seen from David Lynch is nothing but tripe and an exercise in egomania. I have heard, however, that this movie is probably the best thing he did from several people. I'll check it out eventually but I'm still reluctant that I'll waste 2 hours of my life watching it.