Top 10 all-time favourite movies

Not that being superior to MoSen is an achievement, I've seen piles of vomit on the railway station floors with better opinions than this guy.
If I were THAT consistently shit with my opinions I'd be a lot more humble, it must be hell living with a personality like that, thinking you kick facts when really you're just a mong.
i dont really watch movies too much but these come to mind:

Shawshank Redemption
Godfather 1 & 2
Jeremiah Johnson
Fight Club
Big Trouble in Little China (fuckoff the possible remake)
Conan the Barbarian
For Love of the Game
The Seventh Seal
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
2001: A Space Odyssey

Got to watch a 35mm print of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly at The New Beverly Cinema (Quentin Tarantino's theater) in IB Technicolor. My fiancee and I were the last two people to get tickets. It was awesome. This is the same theater where I saw The Thing earlier this year. What an experience
The Thing on a big screen would be very cool.

I saw 2001 on a big screen a couple years back. The MFA was having a Kubrick festival and I made it a point to go that night. Fucking awesome.

I'm sorry to bring this back up (it was mentioned a couple pages ago), but I actually think Brad Pitt's acting at the end of Se7en is good. I realize I am likely in a minority here, but I never found it funny.
They really don't stand the test of time. He did bring over some Kurosawa films to the states when he was a youngin', so I guess he gets a pass.
I really think the first 3 Star Wars films are really, really bad, once I became an adult. Financial success isn't one of my parameters of "standing the test of time," but that was ambiguous.
I really think the first 3 Star Wars films are really, really bad, once I became an adult. Financial success isn't one of my parameters of "standing the test of time," but that was ambiguous.

Long term financial success is an indicator of the series's ability to capture the minds of a significant portion of society, which shows that the series has, for society in general, stood the test of time. Perhaps the films haven't for you in particular, but that doesn't mean much.