Top 10 all-time favourite movies

@ Dak, You don't have to like him. I have no affinity for him either. I was just pointing out that your comment is akin to the kid who shits on Nickelback. We get it, it's not for you, that doesn't mean it's shit.

Long term financial success is an indicator of the series's ability to capture the minds of a significant portion of society, which shows that the series has, for society in general, stood the test of time. Perhaps the films haven't for you in particular, but that doesn't mean much.

@ Dak, You don't have to like him. I have no affinity for him either. I was just pointing out that your comment is akin to the kid who shits on Nickelback. We get it, it's not for you, that doesn't mean it's shit.

Sure, many people go to the movies just for special effects, but it's not some sort of obscure "opinion" that Lucas ripped off a number of different stories in the process of crudely using exhausted archetypes.
The Star Wars movies are like Aerosmith albums. They're classic, they'll pop up on certain people's favorites lists, and they probably deserve to be there in some capacity. But they're no Pink Floyd.
You could still be getting paid to post. People do work the night shift, you know ;)

I like Star Wars, but I prefer Star Trek and that entire universe. In terms of movies, that's tough because there's so much crap in the ST movies. I think those movies entertain me more than Star Wars though.
The Star Wars movies are like Aerosmith albums. They're classic, they'll pop up on certain people's favorites lists, and they probably deserve to be there in some capacity. But they're no Pink Floyd.
That's an interesting way of putting it. Out of curiosity, what would the film equivalent to Pink Floyd be in the realm of science fiction? Something like 2001?

I've never been big on Star Wars. I totally get why its fanbase is so massive and rabid though, its just never been for me.

Star Trek is pretty cool although I'd never call myself a "Trekkie" or anything. First Contact kicks ass and I watched The Next Generation quite a bit years ago.
I havent read the thread.
Not really sure what my top 10 is
what I do know is that my #1 is easily Predator. And it always will be.
Between StarWars, LOTR, Die Hard, T2, Pulp Fiction, Avengers, Big Trouble In Little China, Aliens, Jurassic Park, 13th Warrior, Back to the Future, Conan the Barbarian, and a ton of others. I have no idea how to round it down to 10.
Old Star Wars movies are the best. I've been tempted to pick up a box set. I did not originally like Star Trek, but I do now.
they're not ranked.

1. Seven
2. Batman (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises and Batman (1989))
3. Saw (1, 2, 3, 4)
4. Friday the 13th (1, 2, 3)
5. Nightmare On Elm Street (1, 2, 3)
6. Wrong Turn (1 & 2)
7. Clockwork Orange
8. Star Wars (episode 4,5,6 and 3)
9. V For Vendetta
10. Lord of the Rings

But I've never been much of a "movie-man". I'm more into series.
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The only one I see in there is Lord Of The Rings, the rest you just mean the self titled films right? Surely you don't mean ALL Star Wars, ALL Batman, ALL Friday The 13th, ALL Nightmare On Elm Street?

Cool list by the way.