Top 10 all-time favourite movies

No I do not mean all of them. But I like multiple of them but were just too lazy to write (for example 1,2 and 5) and the titles of each Batman movie I like...
Instead of doing my favorites, as I already did in the movies thread, here's a list of films (not documentaries) good for political awakening

Red Dawn (1984)
They Live
Eyes Wide Shut
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nice. i recommend letterboxd for doing stuff like that tho, RT seems kinda dead these days and really clunkily designed etc. then again maybe there's more annoying hipsters on letterboxd idk

I'll check it out, imdb is too impersonal but you're right about how clunky rotten tomatoes is. Feels like it was designed by an 8 year old.
Lord of the Rings
Dawn of the Dead
The Avengers
Die Hard
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
District 9
A Perfect Getaway (I always found this to be so underrated. Timothy Olyphant was fucking brilliant in this movie, and I'm a big Milla Jovovich fan so to see her in it also was great and there was good chemistry between the two).
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (I know alot of people put hate into the movie adaptation, but I fucking love this third film)
The original Dawn Of The Dead?

Both actually.

I'm a fan of Ving Rhames so I liked the remake lol...

"Oh, I get it. You saw hell yesterday. Now you're scared of going to hell for all the bad things you've done. I'll tell you what. Go in the stall, say five Hail Marys, wipe your ass, and you and God can call it even." :lol: