Top 10 Favorite Bands

What we need to do is come up with a master list of borderline bands, split into two categories: metal and non-metal. When someone isn't sure about what category a certain band falls into, they can just refer to the sticky and then they'll know at least what the consensus of this forum is regarding that band's status. That master list should also have a comprehensive definition of metal, also agreed upon by the denizens here.

Wishbone Ash, King Crimson, Sir Lord Baltimore, URIAH HEAP, etc. etc.

Not great examples, really.

King Crimson sometimes had the darkness of Sabbath, but the guitar work was nowhere near similar. No one had the Sabbath guitar sound. In fact, I'm just going to go ahead and say that none of those bands sound like Sabbath. Sir Lord Baltimore was great, and definitely an influence on metal (Caesar LXXI is awesome), but they didn't have the dreary, gothic dredge sound the Sabbath had; no one did.
Note: I'm working on the OP for the "definition of metal" thread. Sorry if I'm slacking on the debates here. I think the new thread will be pretty awesome once I get it out.

I dunno, Highway Star is pretty much heavy metal.

Yup. And it's not like the NWOBHM scene got their sound entirely from Black Sabbath - otherwise there wouldn't have been so many upbeat, uptempo bands in the scene. Deep Purple was a pretty big influence there.

I do know what the subgenres are. I even define them in the little thing I linked you to!

My bad. I should probably check that out. :goggly:

By the way, would you mind if I borrowed some of that material to use as starter definitions in the thread I'm making? It would save me a ton of work.

What I mean is bands can't just be metal. They have to be a specific style of metal. Metal is not like folk or pop music in which bands can just be straight folk or straight-up pop music. The terminology is different and thus it follows that bands are placed into subgenres by the qualifications they express for each subgenre (and this is why bands can fit into more than one, if they display an abundance of influences/dispositions towards more than one style).

I don't see why there's such a need to emphasise the subgenres in metal. You make it sound like metal is such a diverse genre that no single definition of "metal" could encompass them all. Is that what you believe?

What we need to do is come up with a master list of borderline bands, split into two categories: metal and non-metal. When someone isn't sure about what category a certain band falls into, they can just refer to the sticky and then they'll know at least what the consensus of this forum is regarding that band's status. That master list should also have a comprehensive definition of metal, also agreed upon by the denizens here.

I guess I could make that an addendum to the thread I'm working on. But I really don't think it's going to help anything to just have some list sitting around. It's not going to affect people's personal opinions - they'll still think they have some reason for going against the majority view.
Please do borrow the definitions, but of course give credit (link to that). It has been drastically overlooked according to it only being commented on a handful of times in a few years time.

Also, your sig has been dead for a while. Send me the link and I'll host it for you if yer having trouble!
This whole "let's define metal" thing is kinda sad. I respect the intentions of trying to reach such a goal, but it's kind of like the Council of Nicea trying to decide what books of the Bible were "God's word" and whether or not Jesus was divine.

In short, it's still going to incite a lot of controversy and dissent.
Please do borrow the definitions, but of course give credit (link to that). It has been drastically overlooked according to it only being commented on a handful of times in a few years time.

Also, your sig has been dead for a while. Send me the link and I'll host it for you if yer having trouble!

No prob man. I'll probably list my sources at the bottom of the OP.

And yeah, I've been having some issues with Photobucket today. I created some sub-albums, and it ended up killing the links to everything I moved (even though Photobucket SAID that would only happen with "direct links"...). I had a few versions of the sig on there, and I wasn't sure which it was, so I tried uploading it again, and for some reason it refuses to upload photos now. I'll try one more time, and if it doesn't work, I can e-mail you my sig.

This whole "let's define metal" thing is kinda sad. I respect the intentions of trying to reach such a goal, but it's kind of like the Council of Nicea trying to decide what books of the Bible were "God's word" and whether or not Jesus was divine.

In short, it's still going to incite a lot of controversy and dissent.

Nah, we can be pluralistic enough about it avoid all that. I'm pretty sure there are several different ways to approach a definition of metal. You can look at it in terms of sound (i.e. "does it have distorted guitars?", "does it have a dark mood?" etc.). You can also look at it in terms of influence, i.e. whether the band's style comes primarily from Black Sabbath's tree of influence.

I see no problem in having more than one definition on hand. It will at least let people "agree to disagree" if they refuse to accept each other's preferred definitions.

Wishbone Ash, King Crimson, Sir Lord Baltimore, URIAH HEAP, etc. etc.

Hell, even Emerson, Lake, and Palmer wrote "heavy, driving, eclectic songs with various tempo changes and sections which were undeniably "one song" when put together", and there are plenty of metal bands that rarely if ever write a song over five minutes, or have much variation (Slayer, for one).
Christ. So much emphasis on categorising bands... who cares? Really.

Perhaps this is for the 'controversial metal opinions' thread, but people who crap on & on about bands falling into this sub-genre or that, smell EXACTLY like sci-fi Star Trek geeks to me.

Music genres & sub-genres are there to give a rough indication as to the wares of the artist(s)... so potential listeners know what to expect. They're not there to hem anybody in, or lock them out based on non-existant criteria.
I guess I could make that an addendum to the thread I'm working on. But I really don't think it's going to help anything to just have some list sitting around. It's not going to affect people's personal opinions - they'll still think they have some reason for going against the majority view.

Perhaps with each band listed we could provide a brief explanation of whether or not they are a metal band.

Hatebreeder said:
This whole "let's define metal" thing is kinda sad. I respect the intentions of trying to reach such a goal, but it's kind of like the Council of Nicea trying to decide what books of the Bible were "God's word" and whether or not Jesus was divine.

In short, it's still going to incite a lot of controversy and dissent.

I smell a heretic!
Hell, even Emerson, Lake, and Palmer wrote "heavy, driving, eclectic songs with various tempo changes and sections which were undeniably "one song" when put together", and there are plenty of metal bands that rarely if ever write a song over five minutes, or have much variation (Slayer, for one).

You're completely missing my point. My delineations are for those who have common sense about what metal is already and are looking to categorize bands who they already know are metal.
You're still denouncing the fact the line is very thin between whats rock and metal when they're essentially same thing in many aspects. Forget about extreme metal for a second and take a look stoner metal and doom metal and heavy metal, even thrash. They all where established under influences of punk/hardcore and hard rock. The bands the catapulted this metal 'revolution' aren't metal, but members of their previously established genre. I was waiting for someone to say this, but you all failed. This is why, imo, Discharge, Deep Purple, Etc. aren't metal. And Alice in Chains is a mixture of metal and grunge making them METAL and grunge.
Just because a band mixes metal influences with something doesn't make them metal :erk: By that logic, fucking Slipknot are definitely metal, even "more metal" than AIC, which is just false.

We're also not saying that metal isn't similar to rock in instrumentation, but that metal has evolved to the point where it deserves sovereignty as a genre independent from rock. Look at the huge range of metal styles. Slam death, a (sub-)style of brutal death, a style of death metal, a subgenre of metal, then a subgenre of rock? No...metal is its own thing now tbh.
Powermad always stays number 1!

Dark Angel
Nuclear Assault

There are so many awesome bands...Others worth mentioning are Sanctuary, Atheist, Pestilence, Sodom, Onslaught, Evildead, Coroner, Laaz Rockit and many more!!
I love that In Flames keep being mentioned! for me...

1.In Flames(old)
2.COB(before blooddrunk)
3.Sonata Arctica
5.Dream Theater
9.Lamb of God
10.Iron Maiden