Top 10 Favorite Bands

OMFG. That list had one decent band... KMFDM.

*Is ignoring the presence of a band that released 4 good albums and some crap due to an utter lack of respect for said band*
I don't have 10 favorite bands, I have current 10 most listened to?
1.) Whitechapel.
2.) Winds of plague
3.) Women and children die first
4.) Murder on the dancefloor
5.) The doors.
6.) As blood runs black
7.) Sublime
8.) Despised Icon
9.) Mystic roots.
10.) Steel pulse
Other than his work with Bungle and FMN, I only like the first two Fantomas albums and a bit of Tomahawk. :erk: I really wish he'd do something like Faith No More again as he is a fantastic vocalist when he's not making retarded noises into a mic for an entire hour.
Romances with Kaada is pretty cool, kinda slow, but I enjoy it. And I love the newest Fantomas album, Suspended Animation. But FNM and Mr. Bungle were easily the best things he's done.
Not in order

Bring me the Horizon
Protest the Hero
As Blood Runs Black
Between the Buried and Me
Children of Bodom
August Burns Red
The Devil Wears Prada
Dark Tranquility
jag panzer
bolt thrower
manilla road

thats probaly my top10, but other than the first 4 I have no real clue as it changes 2 often
nosferatu is flawless, it just doesnt get old 2 me. then A Distant Thunder. The other 2 I just consider average albums with a few great songs.
For at least one great album, these are:

Gorguts(new stuff only)
King Crimson
Van der Graaf Generator-(I haven't actually listened to them in a while, so maybe they don't belong here.I could put here some other OSDM act in their place )

In terms of metal in general, lots of different OSDM, I guess, and truckloads of Metallica(mainly AJFA)