Top 10 Metal Albums of 2016

vektor received more votes than anything else but a lot were low down on the rankings - it placed tenth on three different lists iirc. whereas most people who picked megadeth or eternal champ ranked it pretty high.
I've been listening to that SDG album after you said it was really good and I've been enjoying it a lot. Now I'm wondering if I've maybe been missing out by only bothering with Moonrise in Total Darkness and the debut, which I like a lot. Are you familiar with their other stuff?

no, just snowland, but i'm similarly curious about the rest.
Since you aren't a native English speaker, I was just telling Ozz they were different. I know it's not supposed to sound the same, I just didn't like it at all.

To me War Metal is their worst but still a good album. Eater of Birds is almost untouchable.
Is there really a point in arguing over this? I mean every person rate albums on different aspects when it comes to top 10/20 lists, fuck I moved albums around for months because I couldnt even get along with myself on how to think and judge.
why in the world would you assume that? I've never even heard of that band. This place has a few people hwo basically circle-jerk each other to every Incantation style knock off band you can think of. Its been like that ever since ive been here(as far as that select group of people goes).

@crimsonfloyd More people here hate on bands like Megadeth due to "name recognition", not the other way around.

Considering that this ranking didn't have any sort of negative vote fuction, that isn't revelent to this particular ranking.


@Master_Yoda77 oh yeah, because some 3rd rate Incantation knock off band or average ho-hum doom album who only fanbase is like 4-45 people form these forums are more deserving of the #2 spoot than one of the best comeback albums in years, amirite? Retards commenting on albums that they have almost surely have not even listened to, ugh.

And as far as "pure name recognition" goes, almost every single person that voted for that album will also tell you how much of a steaming pile of shit their previous album was.

Yeah, I've heard it. Own it, actually. It's ok.
Vektor weren't in my list either, but I would have been okay with them winning, as much as I love Eternal Champion.

Remember when you passed that off as brutal death metal like an idiot? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

No no, you dense fat spastic Trumpvestite homo with jiggling moobs, I said they were brutal metal and maybe someone in the brutal death metal thread might have an opinion on them. Never said they were brutal death metal.
i'm not rly following this convo but yes it did

The way you did the results for these is cool. Just curious did you count my votes as ordered or unordered? I put Vektor first meaning for it to get most points. and I think Megadeth was 11th which I thought would not be counted, I just threw it on there for an honorable mention. Will number them from now on
Haven't kept up with 2016 at all but I'll listen to this entire top 10. Maybe I'll tell you what I thought afterwards.

Listening to Post Society right now and, holy fuck. I knew this EP was acclaimed but I think I'm liking it a lot more than most. It maintains a melancholic mood in a way that classic Voivod is often too disjointed and weird to and it's really getting to me. It's like listening to a whole album of "Into My Hypercubes" and "Angel Rats". I fucking love it and I didn't think they had an album like this in them.
^yeah it's pretty amazing, i semi-regret not having it top 10. i really hope they bring out an LP in that style.

yeah sorry @Baroque, i counted all 15 picks as unordered. for the record, if i'd counted them as ordered vektor would've scraped first and megadeth would've dropped to 4th haha. if that's how you intended them to be counted then i may edit the results to reflect that if i ever make a master thread for these lists.

Triggered. You did say it's brutal death/grind in the thread but okay. I'll concede.

Why would you concede if you're right?

Because it's brutal grind/death but not 100% what this topic is about.

That's what I said. Notice the placement of the word brutal and the context, I meant it as a description, rather than the subgenre.
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