Top 10 Modern Classics

I'm weird because I genuinely think Lugburz is their best album, although I think that all of their albums are good.
Not really? Old Morning's Dawn over Stronghold or Oathbound....? It's good but not near their previous albums (any of them).
Stronghold was released 99 so it doesn't qualify in this thread, but I guess Stronghold and Dol Guldur kinda shares first place otherwise.

IMO Old Mornings Dawn is quite clearly a step up from both Oath Bound and especially LMHSYF which is their worst effort.
A lot of surprising omissions so far.

Boris - Feedbacker, Pink
DsO - Kenose, Paracletus
Isis - Oceanic, Panopticon
Krallice - s/t
Lurker of Chalice - s/t
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
Negura Bunget - Om
Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel
Peste Noire - La Sanie..
Ruins of Beverast - Unlock the Shrine
Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve

But some of those are polarizing albums that aren't well-received at large, despite being incredible.
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Totem - Totem
Revelation - Release
Warning - Watching From A Distance
Ereb Altor - By Honour
Excoriate - ..On Pestilent Winds
Atlantean Kodex - The Golden Bough
Borrowed Time - S/t


Alda - Tahoma
Kayo Dot - Coffins on Io
Nechochwen - Heart of Akamon
Elder - Lore
Obsequiae - Aria of Vernal Tombs

People got a lot of classics from >2000
Mentioning Kayo Dot reminds me that Maudlin of the Well deserve a mention My Fruit Psychobells was recorded in 99 but those three albums are classic. I think Cormorant deserve an honourable mention as well, I haven't heard their latest but have the vinyl on preorder with blood music along with the others. Really looking to hearing it though, everything I've heard from them has been awesome.
Axis Of Advance - The List is one I forgot to mention.
Also Sacramentary Abolishment - The Distracting Stone I consider to be a modern classic though it came out in 97. Well and truly over the whole bestial/war thing thanks to all the nowadays goat faggots on social media.Although it would be nice to hear something that gave me a rush like this used to.
I'm weird because I genuinely think Lugburz is their best album, although I think that all of their albums are good.

Agreed. It's my favorite Summoning album too. And it gets the most plays. The riffs are really good on that.

Some modern classics that I could think of:

Deathspell Omega - Drought
Bolzer - Aura
Mgla - With Hearts Toward None
Cult of Fire - 2013 album
Cult des Ghoules - Henbane
Magic Circle - 2013
Manilla Road - Spiral Castle
Darkspace - III I
Graveyard - Hisingen Blues
Burning Saviours - Hundus
The Cosmic Dead - Pyschonaut
Mispyming - Songvar elds og oreiou
The Moon and the Nightspirit - Osforras
Morturary Drape - Tolling 13 Knell
Om - Conference of the Birds
Motorpyscho - Heavy Metal Fruit
Queens of the Stone Age - ... Like Clockwork
Spectral Lore - III
Tenhi - Maaaaet
Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats - Vol. 1
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