Top 10 Modern Classics

Axis Of Advance - The List is one I forgot to mention.
Also Sacramentary Abolishment - The Distracting Stone I consider to be a modern classic though it came out in 97. Well and truly over the whole bestial/war thing thanks to all the nowadays goat faggots on social media.Although it would be nice to hear something that gave me a rush like this used to.

I've actually never listened to The List. It's fairly hard to find. Strike and Obey are fucking amazing as well.
volume 1 by Uncle Acid is a weird choice. It's never even really been released. Blood Lust is the album that made everyone know the bands name. Fuck I'm willing to say it changed what stoner doom could be and started their legacy as one of the best bands the genre has.
@Serjeant Grumbles: Dude. I don't know a goddamn thing about Icelandic language. I just typed it how I remembered it. I know it's not actually a "p" but I don't have those letters, nor am I googling them for a quick post.

@Krow I honestly choose that one because it came first and it was the one I listened to first. I pretty much like the two sort of equally.
I've actually never listened to The List. It's fairly hard to find. Strike and Obey are fucking amazing as well.
I didn't realise it's fairly hard to find but man you should grab it if you can because it's my favourite from the band...the songs are better and more straight forward metal but done with the their chaotic style. I reckon you'd really enjoy it.
@Serjeant Grumbles: Dude. I don't know a goddamn thing about Icelandic language. I just typed it how I remembered it. I know it's not actually a "p" but I don't have those letters, nor am I googling them for a quick post..

Fair enough, but you would have been better off just going with 'Misthyrming', since replacing it with a 'th' is a commonly accepted practice The letter þ in Icelandic represents the same sound as English 'thin', but not its voiced counterpart in 'then,' which also exists in Icelandic, spelled with the edh - the ð in óreiðu. English once had both letters, albeit used interchangeably, so that 'the' could be spelled 'þe', despite the consonsant being voiced in that case. Early printers would often substitute the þ with a 'y', since printing presses tended to lack the former letter; this is ultimately the origin of the pseudo-archaic prefix "Ye Olde", which never would have been pronounced like the pronoun 'ye'.

I should also add that knowing how the letter is pronounced makes Arckanum's album title ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ hilarious to me, because I just pronounce it as a sustained 'th' sound.
@Serjeant Grumbles: Dude. I don't know a goddamn thing about Icelandic language. I just typed it how I remembered it. I know it's not actually a "p" but I don't have those letters, nor am I googling them for a quick post.

@Krow I honestly choose that one because it came first and it was the one I listened to first. I pretty much like the two sort of equally.
some of my own additions

Devin Townsend - Terria
Enslaved - Mardraum
Graveland - Fire Chariot of Destruction
Graveland - Memory and Destiny
Lord Wind - Atlantean Monument
Neurosis - The Eye of Every Storm
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Another interesting choice with your Devin Townsend pick. Terria's a great, great record for sure, but something like Ocean Machine or Infinity resonates with me much more. I do love it, though,
Hot damn the first time I heard Ocean Machine I said 'How can anything else from Townsend top this?' I was right. Terria comes really really close though.
I like Ocean Machine, but Terria and Accelerated Evolution just seem like a more fleshed out and realized version of that album. Those are my top 3 Devy albums though. I also really like Addicted.
I do too though most fans seem to have a negative opinion of it. It's not his strongest but the title track is great and the last three songs in succession are amazingly powerful. That PART in "Numbered" is absolutely amazing. You know what I'm talkin' about.
Graveland - Fire Chariot of Destruction
Graveland - Memory and Destiny
I considered adding a Graveland album, but it fell on the fact that I couldn't choose which one. X) All my favourites are from tio early but Creed of Iron or Memory and Destiny should probably be on the list!
Memory and Destiny definitely belongs. That album is monstrous. Easily my 2nd favorite after FtVoB

I like Creed of Iron a lot as well. As far as FCoD, I feel that Darken nailed the heavier end of his sound on this one