Top 3 Bassists

Not in any order

Steve DiGiorgio
Tony Choy
Roger Patterson

Honorable mentions to:

Steve Harris
Markus Grosskopf
Scott Clendenin
Scott Carino
Sean Malone
Hi guys, greetings from Germany

I'm new here and Just read your top 3...

There's some names to add, like Gary Willis (Concerning fusion, etc.) and as far as our beloved Metal sounds goes: Lars Norberg from Spiral Architect - he's taken the bass in extreme music a big step further. Everybody should listen to their album!
Cliff Burton (R.I.P) was also a very underrated bassist - he was ahead of the time in the Metal genre. He was not that upfront in the mix of the Metallica classics, but if you listen to some old live recordings, you can hear the potential that could never be fully revealed due to his death.

Apart from that, there are for sure many players out there that deserve attention, especially the ones that are not in a certain spotlight. I think that a lot of people play their fingers off inside their own four walls or rehearsal places. Look to the underground and beyond styles to find remarkable musicians. I personally don't like throwing names around. It all depends on different points of view what's "good" and what not. By the way, what about Tom Angelripper :lol: - just kidding...

Hey, actually this is Steve's forum - it's not very polite to talk about any different bassplayers here! :mad: :D

So Long!
Originally posted by Occam's Razor

Hey, actually this is Steve's forum - it's not very polite to talk about any different bassplayers here! :mad: :D

So you cant talk about King Diamond on Mercyful Fate board?:lol:
or about Dio on a Sabbath board?
What about Halford on a Priest board????
Paul Di'Anno On A Maiden board??

The list could go on and on but
Its a related topic it revloves around bass
and Steve is a bassist so I dont see any problem

Besides everyone has theyre favorites/influences
And its cool to talk about
I wouldnt be surprised if Steve posts on this thread :)
Are we talking the 3 best bassist (skill?) or our 3 favourites?

I'm suprised noone mentioned John Myung. He's not bad at all :) Also Joey DeMaio is .. well at least fast ;-)

I can't really decide which 3 are the best, since there are probably an awful lot of bass-players that can play very very fast and have very good technique, so I'll just write my 3 favourite bassists, even though they may not be the best players ever ;-) (I said MAY not be ;)

Steve DiGiorgio
John Myung
Les Claypool
Here's my list.
Jaco Pastorious
Sean Malone
Geddy Lee

I'm new to Mr. DiGiorgio, but from what I've heard so far he is definatly in my top ten.
In order:

Les Claypool
Steve DiGiorgio
Duncan Patterson (ex-Anathema)

The first two get in for being technical geniuses, Duncan gets in for his amasing sense of dynamics, and his song writing ability.

Steve Harris and Lief Edling (Candlemass) deserve a mention too.
Hey Wicked, don't take it too seriously - your photo scares me, come on and smile a little.
You're absolutely right, there IS no problem. I just thought that there are other things one can discuss than who's your favourite player...
Well actually I saw that you're doing some bootleg-stuff - got any clue about cuts from Testament from their latest Dynamo performance (with Steve). I've been searching recordings from that concert for a while but didn't find anything. These excerpts you could download from Steve's site had a rather raw, but at the same time a very transparent bass sound (which is not the case for "The Gathering", where Steve is hardly hearable). I found it great, so I would be glad if somebody could give me hints about existing boots...

...yes, we forgot Mr. Myung - shame on us. And what about the Sheehans, Hamms, Stevens'...? OK, I should shut up!:lol:

So long
Originally posted by Occam's Razor
Hey Wicked, don't take it too seriously - your photo scares me, come on and smile a little.

No hard feelings man!!!
I was just making a point thats all
and I wasnt taking it seriously :D
The only thing I take seriously is my music
This is a one badass forum and I dont want to argue with anyone here!!!

About the bootlegs...
There is some rare Control Denied stuff floating around
I just might have it...if you ask the right questions
You'll get what your looking for
In no special order:

Steve Harris (made me start playing bass)
Geezer Butler (his bluesy style is killer!!!)
Steve DiGiorgio (ultra-fast, fretless, KILLER bass lines!!)

That's up to metal, for me... Some non-metal names could be Jaco, Victor Wooten, etc etc etc...
There is some rare Control Denied stuff floating around
I just might have it...if you ask the right questions
You'll get what your looking for

Actually I don't know what the "right questions" are - Anyway, I can't imagine what this stuff could be. They didn't ever made it to perform live, did they? As far as the demo tunes from the debut go, I've already heard them, so what else could it be...? Livesongs would be so cool, though...

Bye - going to eat something now!:D