Top 5 Favourite Opeth Songs

1. In Mist She Was Standing
2. GodHeads Lament
3. The Drapery Falls
4. Wreath
5. Silhouette (its so evil)
1-The twilight is my robe
2-The night and the silent water
3-In mist she was standing
4-Dirge for November
5-Ending Credits
The Moor
Godheads Lament
Moonlapse Vertigo
Serenity Painted Death

and the number 5 is either The Twilight Is My Robe or In Mist She Was Standing
To Bid You Farewell
The Drapery Falls
Demon Of The Fall

Probably, anyway... usually changes depending on my mood
This is hard as they're all so good but my list is as follows:

Forest Of October
The Twilight Is My Robe
To Bid You Farewell
In My Time Of Need

Hard choice.
TGC is boring but it def. has its moments

It's not a bad song, just not as good compared to their other stuff...although the breakdown near the end kills me every time:notworthy

my top 5 would have to be

Moonlapse Vertigo
Serenity Painted Death
To Bid You Farewell
Death Whispered A Lullaby

although I appreciate each album as a whole rather than certain songs
1. The Baying Of The Hounds
2. White cluster
3. Blackwater Park
4. Forest Of October
5. The Night and the Silent Water
Ghost of Perdition
Black Rose Immortal
The Drapery Falls
Heir Apparent

I'll be honest though, I haven't really listened to Still Life, Orchid, and MAYH intently party due to the fact that I've had the other albums first and they sure caught my attention for a while.