Top 5 guitarists

Vinnie Moore
Michael Schenker (I still give him mass props for his early stuff)
George Lynch
John Petrucci
Michael Romeo

I have lots more but thats my top 5

Tore Ostby (Conception/ARK/DC Cooper)
John Petrucci
Nuno Bettencourt
Steve Vai
Alex Lifeson

Other favorites:

Steve Morse
Eric Johnson
Joel Gregoire
Joe Satriani

Don't know if he's still active, but if so, I'd definitely add Stanley Jordan to the list. He's not even close to metal, but he's amazing.

I saw him live (several times, actually) about 10 years ago, and he actually played two guitars at once. Well. For those who aren't familiar, his style is about 95% tapping/hammer-ons. Incredibly innovative.

I can't believe no one has said Frank Gambale. He's not in metal bands, but his playing is extremely metal (check out the CD by MVP called "Truth in Shredding"). He is the greatest player I've ever seen and he was the nicest guy when I met him too. He's very innovative in the fact that he sweeps every time he switches strings; he only plays an even number of notes per string when he's changing directions (down picking to up picking and vice versa), otherwise he plays an odd number of strokes on each string to keep the sweeping consistent. It's sort of confusing at first but it makes sense if you try it. Technique aside, his lines are beautiful.

So my top 5 in no particular order and all for various reasons:
1. Frank Gambale
2. Allan Holdsworth
3. Mattias IA Eklundh
4. John Petrucci
5. Steve Vai

Honorable mentions: Ron Jarzombek and Kiko Louriero
sccaldwell said:
Don't know if he's still active, but if so, I'd definitely add Stanley Jordan to the list. He's not even close to metal, but he's amazing.

I saw him live (several times, actually) about 10 years ago, and he actually played two guitars at once. Well. For those who aren't familiar, his style is about 95% tapping/hammer-ons. Incredibly innovative.


You might want to then put Michael Angelo Batio over Stanley Jordan. But up to you =D

And... I don't think anybody has mentioned BB King. Weird.
1. CC Deville
2. CC Deville
3. CC Deville
4. CC Deville
5. CC pick up that guitar and-a talk to me! :lol:

Seriously: (In no particular order)

1. Michael Romero
2. Ronnie Le Tekro
3. Andy Timmons
4. Tom S. Englund/Henrik Danhage tandem
5. Stephan Lill
It seems that Micheal Romeo is the top vote getter followed by Petrucci, IA, and Rusty Cooley, and Stevie Vai.

Wolf Hoffmann
Jorn Vigo Lofstat
Akira Takasaki
Vito Bratta
Stephan Lill

Honorable mention..... David Gilmour, Mick Mars (if you pick at me because of this pick, I'll prove his excellence) Al Di Meola, Greg Howe and Billy Gibbons.

Bryant said:
(if you pick at me because of this pick, I'll prove his excellence)


GAME ON! This oughtta be GOOD! :devil:

Mick Mars is to innovative guitarists as John Wayne Gacy is to the International Clown College! :D

J-Dubya - Bring it, Bubba!
Taliwakker said: other corpse can hold a candle to Mick.

I think Ace Frehley might even be a better guitar player than Mick Mars.
(maybe even on a week long bender, too!)

J-Dubya - Eagerly awaiting proof of MM's greatness....:)
Most of the regulars have already been covered but if you want something a little different check out Monte Montgomery. He's like a cross between Eddie Van Halen and Stevie Ray but almost all acoustic. montgomery

Unfortunatly this was all I could find. It's a cover so you don't get the full picture of how different he really is. He has won best acoustic guitar player in Austin for about the last eight years and has been featured in several guitar magazines.
Check him out. You won't be dissapointed.